Sunday, September 25, 2011

I give up totally. I know it's gonna end soon... This time is a fact. I'm not gonna act strong and pretend nth happen. I'm gonna cry my heart out today night, everything gonna be fine tmr. (: why didnt I see clearly what's happening... Now when it's time to let go, I couldn't. What is this man. Goodnight everybody. It's just another day that had past. What's life?

Happy birthday ek!!! Stayyyy happy, cheerful, hyper and CUTE! Hahas :D enjoy your 14th birthday yeah! :D
Loveyoumuchmuch. <3

Morning! It's Sunday and tmr is monday. Lol. There's school tmr~ *jangjang* okayyy, I'm in the exam mood now. Studying these few days... Although with some distraction. Haha. Im planning where to go after exams!! Omg, I wanna go to the beach badly!! :( and many more places. Thinking how to celebrate Laymei's birthday! 19more days! Heheh, den after that is Jan and anryl's birthday~ Heheh. Guess I'm
Gonna spend quite alot of money! $$ but it's okay, I'm still excited! And soon soon it's my birthday. Lol, 4more months only (: must remember hor everyone! (: kayy enjoy your day. Byezxc. (:

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I hate how you ALWAYS do that. You knew we both like XG. But you always say about XG to her infront of me. Wts you want?! Me to jealous? And it's like you told her only. Not only this time, it's been ALOT of time. I just didn't say it out. Maybe Im not as crazy as her for XG. But stop bootlicking. I had enough. And yes, I'm jealous. After reading this, please stop your stupid acts. I dun give a damm from today onwards. Doing secret things behind for everyone... Making everyone trust you? I JUST DIDNT SAE IT OUT only! You have been doing that for as long as I know you. Why can't you treat everyone equally? _|_ Im official tired of your lies. I tried helping you when you ask but what you gave me in the end. I dun expect anything now, if you dun trust me den stop telling me. I dun mind. 2 weeks left only isn't it? Bye.

I finally understand. You dun care. What a joke. Im such a fool... Thinking you care. 7months? It's just a joke man. I know your feeling fade, I'm just waiting for you to say. I dun wanna get hurt, but I have to face it. We were never meant to be tgt, cause I know you didnt love me that much that could change you into someone who will do anything for your girl. I shall stop lying to myself and believe your love was true.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ignorance for just one day, I'm missing you already. I tried forcing myself to study instead of thinking about you... It didnt help. So many problems these days. Teenager's life are getting harder as people grew and change. You can't change a person opinion of someone/something anymore. They dun trust anyone but just themselves. I've cried, laughed, smiled. But my emotion deep inside my heart is like -> ._____.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hello. Testing out my phone's blogger (: kayy, bye (:

life's unfair. im going insane in this world. things doesn't goes right and just simply messed up. WTS. everything! i wish i could go back to the days when i was 3.... everyday was just a game for me (: i didn't know whats was love, betrays, lies, and hatred.
you couldn't give me the things i wanted, and i eventually turn those expectation into dissapointment. when will we ever be like them... i have given you enough time. its time now, do something.
on the other hand, im confused about smth else... something that would never be solved. All these stuffs really got me moodless. dun blame me for being emo, I REALLY COULDN'T STAND IT.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

hiii! *smile* today was a peaceful day~ lalala. didn't had much things happen today. well but sadly laymei didn't come today. IMISSYOU. hahas. kk, had fun during SFL today. got to know what job i could do (: AWESOME YEAH! im a manager~ woots! $$$ had laughter with friends and mr chew. LOL. after sch, went canteen and had my lunch with jan. we ate noodles and we are still not full. so we went to buy snacks. so is SUPER FULL after that! :P denden, i saw mingliang they all... *my hair was messy* hahas, i was SHY. kayy, den went to bused home. when im home... i started decorating my room and taking pictures of my cute little babies! :D aww~ and myself too. (: hmm packed my room and is all clean now (: 3 cheers for me!

Every girl needs that guy who she can wrap her arm around. The one who will kiss her on the forehead when she’s sleeping. The one to wipe away her tears and tell her she’s beautiful. The guy who just doesn’t compare to anyone else.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

i have so much to say, but no one wants to listen. cause i know i have been repeating it like a million times. but still i kept asking, cause i'm unsure of what to do. i'll just keep waiting till i hear an answer i would like to hear. i know i'm totally mad this few days. randomly saying hi to people around me, playing my jealousy game and my whole shit attitude. wts. how could my friends stand me? well... but now when i wanted someone, i realised im still alone. i blust those music in my ear hoping i would wake up and its just a dream. lyrics of songs make me tear... i was thinking of him the whole day. yet i was nothing in him. i mean... i am something but something that is not that important isn't it. cause i hope when i make that choice, i wouldn't regret. YOUR FEELING CHANGED. I DUN HAVE A REASON TO KEEP YOU ANYMORE. GET IT?

if only my love for you was not that deep, it wouldn't take me this hard to let go.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

its the last day of holiday yo! :( There's school tmr and i'm still not in the mood to study ANYTHING. gonna have chinese oral and home econs test after sch tmr. like stress only. and i hope that things gonna be alright for this new semester... i really hope and wish that its gonna be a happy semester. things hasn't gone that well last semester and it really got us all not in able to concentrate. i dun wan history to repeat. yepp. Still thinking that it was my fault... how sorry can i be?

Y'know... seeing couples break, my heart breaks too. cause all i wanted was everyone to be happy...

Friday, September 9, 2011

hello~XD went out with a buanch of awesome people today! well, its the only day i enjoyed during the holidays (: although i had to spend my day with CARS around me! LOL, we went to watch cars2 and they went to play car game after that. heheh. after that we went to buy koi and went t1 timezone (: played some basketball game. its cute yo! i'm lovin it. XD heheh well, went back at around 6. it was early, but to them... its considered late -.-
well i was damm pissed that they wanted me to watch that teenage love show. like wts. trying to educate me again? enough ._.

kays, thanks much to mingliang, junjie, jonathan, fauzan, julian, junwei, zhiwei. well jp didnt come... sadded. yes imma only girl. k, fine. but xinying came after i left... :( hmm thanks for making my friday look awesome. (: had fun.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

helloooo~ im dying of boredom yo. say cheese! (: finally i get to go out tmr~ lalala. okie, yes i went out today. but to do project hor XD yes maths iw. was quite easy... LOL. but not sure correct anot. spend like 1-2hrs onli :P so yea came home early. den went popular to buy stationaries... spent $16+ yo! *heartbreak* for just a few things... haiz. i gonna learn how to save my money~ heheh. kays nth much~ *_^ BYEZ

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

hey, i spent whole day at home yo! stuying! HEHE :D yepp, im guai. it wasn't that bad since i have my computer. spent my day watch zhen ai lin bei~ WOO. XG! cute siah~ IM LOVIN IT. heheh. well, laughed pretty much because of that dumb dumb jan's texts! okie, she is mad. :$ hmm no naggings today so well its pretty fine today (: well, i did some homework today and realized i really had to buck up... but just dunno how to start. LOL. kk, i'm current like dissapointed in something... well, but im not gonna mention :x just hope it realizes itself. hmm nothing much of today~ but im getting smurfy these days! hehe watched smurf 2 times already and i was asked if i wanted to watch 2 times again. well... i'm broked yo! :P okie, ILOVEHOLIDAY cause i gotta sleep late and wake up late! YAHOO~ (: woke up at 11+ today! shoick or shoick. im suppose to go study date with huishan they all... but i can't go. :( im sorry peeps. if only things hasn't change den it might be easier for me to go out~ hmm okie, well im craving for yogurt now! YUMYUM. right now man! awww. okie shall eat tmr (: SET. KK, BYE (:

is anyone even reading? WOW. :(

Monday, September 5, 2011

its been super long since i used my old computer. i finally got it back (: yep, moved in my new house already. But sadly i didn't moved in happily. okay, its not my fault. they wanna think so much... den what do you expect me to do? I REPEAT, I WILL NEVER BREAK UNLESS HE REALLY BREAK MY HEART. well, you've heard me. i'm gonna hide between the lies and pretend its over. they wanna check, go ahead and check. lalala~ i dun wanna care anymore. (: HAPPYGIRL97 just wanna get things done. :D BE HAPPY. i still goes to school and i still see him so... whats the problem? HAHAS. hmm lesser lesser contacting my friends now... you know what i mean. am i really gonna lose frens like.... cause.... yea. forget it :x
okay, well... its been long since i talk about whats happening recently. all those previous post were about feelings yeah. hehe okay today was.... fine ._. i guess. went to nanyang poly for certain interview. yeah its awkward. it was a long day... watch smurf in between the break. WOW. hahas smurfs are cute little blue stuffs (: HEHE yepyep. went home and totally got a nagging for like an hour? @##$%^&*()&^%$@# currently locking myself in the room enjoying my computer~ its so long since i touch it. HEHE :$ well, i just wanna say all the best to everybody cause life is hard but we still have to move on. OH YEAH~ there's no sch tmr and im gonna sleep double my time! XD gonna wake up when the sun burn my butt! and den i'm gonna start my study plan tmr~ i'm gonna work super urber hard for EOY! :D JIAYOU! hehe yepyep. streaming yo! no kidding. kk, what crap am i talking about! LOL, guess everyone's tired. hehe kays NIGHTS :$

Why can't your be like other parents? Seriously! Think so much? WTF? Like think too far le Kay. Other kids may do it but not us. You dun understand me, you dun understand him. If you had understand, you would have accepted it and seriously get your Mind clean instead of always thinking about those idiotic sick things. Like seriously, who dunno watever you have said. But it all doesn't applies to me cause the only reason is all because you dun want me to be in relationship! Like WTF? Where the hell is my freedom. Yes you given me a lot of freedom previously. Thank you. But now, all of your are like insane ppl staring at me 24hr. I hate that. Friends are nothing? You have no friends but you cannot criticize my frens man! Like Wts! You said wht he was stupid, you are the stupid one. He did nothing but purely loving me. Is that wrong? Kay, fine. You dun wan your daughter being loved isn't it. If one day I really turn emo, you are to blame. I'm seriously tired of the nags. Like what's wrong with all of you? What. Century already? I thought your were open minded people. A buanch of adults questioning me with those idiotic question. Ask me dun lie, I said the truth. I said I was with him and yet your couldn't accept the fact. I'm really tired living in this house. Seriously. It's not like I hate your. But sometimes I wonder why would I have such parents. More understanding parents is what I need. I know you want me to understand how your feel... But it's like can't I enjoy my teenage life? How I wish I got some godparents or something. Or an adult who might side me instead. Seriously, I really feel so irritated by my parents and everybody. Yes I have changed. Changed into a not so good girl. But if your could accept the fact am with him. Maybe I would talk to your den. Explain how we started and everything. But if your only cared if we were still tgt, den forget it. I wun say anything. Yes I might get hurt with him and my feelings mixed up... But so what?! Isn't that what I'm Suppose to go through. If your think that it's gonna ruin my life den that's too far you know. It's crazy how your imagine things. Tired of being under the control. Stop wanting me to be your good girl anymore. That's not me. If only your could accept the fact, things wouldnt be so bad. If only your didn't know till we could last as long as we could, things would be better. Now what? Break? Dun break? I know they are not gonna be easy on this... I'm afraid the person getting Hurt would be him instead. Maybe I should let him choose his way. I'm
Sorry but I love you. My parents dun understand that teenagers know what is love too. If only I had parents like them. But I guess my parents are just tok disgusting for me. Stop saying they care and etc... It's totally disgusting. Like eww. I never wanted to live in this world. So I wouldn't cared if I ruiny life. I just pray to god that they will forget about this and move on. I pray to god I dun have to lose my friends and him. I rather die. I'm serious. ._.

I dun want to talk cause it's irritating YO! Stop nagging. I'm serious. ._.


Everyday nag. Idiot. I'm listening to his lecture now. Haha. K bye. I hate it.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Nobody's with me. Everybody think it's so easy. You never know how hard I spoke back to my father. I shouted back just to keep you. I didn't promised him just to keep you. Yet maybe I made a wrong choice. Every single person I spoke to about this told me not to worry, but how do you expect me to run away from this when I'm gonna face my dad everyday. And I dun think is only my parents who knew about this. My whole family including my cousins they all. How am I gonna face them explaining everything. Stop wanting me to solve everything myself, cause I hate the lonely feeling you know! Forget it. It's suppose to be a happy day yet its ruin. HAHA. Well done. Anyway, I know it's hard for me to find a reason to go out now. And my dad gonna be real strict towards me now. Here goes me 'awesome holiday'

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I should update my blog cause I'm so bored! Gawd! Today is teacher's day but I ain't happy at all. Didnt went back to my primary sch. Glad I didn't. Although days in primary sch were memorable but it's all the past. People do change. Hahas but yea... But Who cares? O.o
Anyway I wanna go out tmr!!! No more staying at home. Or else I'm gonna be bored at home. :( okay imma watching ylbfb now~ XG centre parting! Cute or whatt!! :D aww I miss XG so much! Finally I can see him! (: his gonna come Singapore in less than 3 months time! :D awesome Shitzxc~ hahas anyway today's teacher celebration in sch was.... "interesting" HAHA. But I like the concert cause I gotta sit with him! Like aww~ once in a life time thing. Hahas -joke- (: hope his not angry anymore... Yeah and hope his feelings didn't change cause... I'm really scared I might just lose him.
Okay, imma gonna move house this Saturday (: but I got CIP on saturday. My father Is going to scold me for not informing him earlier~ trololol. Hehe imma so excited for my new house, cause I'm gonna get back my computer! I know my computer miss me! Hahas XD okay I'm just talking crap here. Sorry for anyone who read this. I'm just wasting my time and your time (: LOL XD

*you are not alone...
Cause I am here with you... (:


" She’s a little girl,
living in her perfect world
Until she realised
, happiness was hard to find."

Janelle that dumb girl♥♥
Laymei that silly babe♥♥
♥♥Alien 黄鸿升 小鬼♥♥
Barbie and the 3 musketeer♥
Jenelle my dear♥
Vanessa and huishan♥
Baby Pooh bear♥
Great 2012♥
My boyfriend-baby♥
I will always treasure all of them♥FOREVER♥

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