Thursday, March 17, 2011

you are wrong. i do care.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

hello~ super bored so just feel like blogging. i know i'm LAME! just came back from cca... was tiring... practised pair by pair~ stressed much! did alot of mistakes! LOL, liu lao shi want us to SMILE! like as if very easy~ falsing a smile on my face! gawd i look horrible! hahas. there still another practised on friday. three hours of training! -fainting- I'M LIKE SUPER BORED NOW! he go tution... hardworking yeah? hehee. wondering where to go tmr... should i go out? hmm or stay at home? well... tmr then see bah (: OH OKAY, i have great news to share!!! A KINDHEARTED PERSON sent my EZ-link card to me! HEHE thanks lots lots yeah!!! i'm like super happy when i received the ez-link card~ super lucky that i no need go make new one... so ma fan! hahas :DD well today is my BROTHER'S BIRTHDAY! hehe HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :DD his not at home so no need buy presents for him :) he is currently staying at my cousin's house... well so he will be celebrating there~ almost every year the same? hahas :D well well... i'm still not in a good mood... but seriously thank those ppl who tried cheering me up and etc... :D
STAY HAPPY PEEPS! although i know life is difficult BUT who cares? YOU HAVE ME! :D hehee whoever is reading this.... SMILE PLEASE! :D

BOO! well having cca later~ good thing or bad thing? i'm still having this feeling and its getting worser... as days pass by this feeling get stronger. i'm not sure but as memories from the past flash through my mind... i really felt terrible... it was like that all this while isn't it. it was just myself believing that somethings had changed into something better. too much of good things make it look fake. and i finally realised it was fake all this while... i thought i'm a somebody finally but now i realised its still a nobody. yesterday my primary school fren just chatted with me... it was just like AWESOME. me and her quarrel during primary 6, and end up seperating... yesterday's chat was a regreting letter... i letter i sent to her back then during primary 6. so much memories flash through my mind when she finally replied my letter after so long...we all regreted what we did in the past... not treasuring our friendship and keeping the promised we made last time. although everything is fine now but how i wish time could rewind... it really make me regret what have been done in the past. if me and her didn't had this misunderstood i might still been that girl which was nvr brave enough to face things up... cause after we seperated i met new friends, new challenges... it changes my life... you nvr know how great this feeling is... getting everything started again... refreshing my life! cause only like this... troubles will be gone...but not everytime there is a chance to start again... i might as well treasure what i have now. being seen as a strong girl now... ppl might just neglect me thinking its okay... but deep inside me, my heart is fragile. its broken to a million pieces... but did you know... one word or one sentence that YOU said... it can heal back my wound... did you ever realised? it just simply mean how important you are to me...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

am i too sensitive or wat...
i really wanna know what happen, being nt able to know...
i start to blame myself.
my fault isn't it?
i'm bad aren't i?
i know myself the best....
what i've done and everything...
i know sorry doesn't help...
but yet sorry was the only thing i could say...

Monday, March 14, 2011

its not even a month and i feel like giving up! seriously i dunno whats wrong... i did what i can do... dun expect me to do everything! dun make me regret, boy

Sunday, March 13, 2011

CONFUSED AND IT HURTS! I'm not sure whats happening now... who and who? what wrong again... my fault? I'm wondering when will this stop... is it a trick the god is playing on me? one after another~ my mixed and confused feelings haunting me everyday...
every night's nightmare...
you'll never believe it...
i control my tears cause i knew i cannot cry...
i blame myself as that is the only person that i can blame...
I NEED SOMEONE TO BE MY LISTENING EAR! but... it seems i can't trust anyone...
not even myself...
my parents...
my friends...
everything around me seems to be so messy...
like seriously i feel so alone suddenly.
All those were just a dream yeah...
i'm actually all alone all this while...
i am a nobody to everybody~ life simply sucks!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

okay i know its like super long since i blog last! yepyep! and no one actually visit my blog already... but just feel like blogging suddenly so yeah... if you are reading this then GOOD! (: well recently happen alot alot alot of things... confused vexed angry sad dissapointed! its like seriously very very vexed! dunno what to do, how or what should be done... dunno if i did right or wrong... too much or too little... my fault or his fault... relationships problem SUCKS! cant concentrate in class and everything... ENOUGH! maybe it wasn't a problem to him... but to me... it hurts... deeply... maybe is juz me and my fault~ well friends.... err.... shall nt talk more about it... life simply have to go on no matter what happens.... I SHALL STAY POSITIVE! pleaseplease... dun... ever... make... me... go... mad... again...


" She’s a little girl,
living in her perfect world
Until she realised
, happiness was hard to find."

Janelle that dumb girl♥♥
Laymei that silly babe♥♥
♥♥Alien 黄鸿升 小鬼♥♥
Barbie and the 3 musketeer♥
Jenelle my dear♥
Vanessa and huishan♥
Baby Pooh bear♥
Great 2012♥
My boyfriend-baby♥
I will always treasure all of them♥FOREVER♥

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