Monday, November 29, 2010

uhem! today is an important day~~~ ahaha its my lovely sweety darling janelle's birthday! *sound so er xin*
ahaha kaykay, i wanna wish JANELLE KANG CAI EN...........HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
must stay happy always :)
hehe and hope that UtadaTaylorAlien will be friends forever XD hehe short post for today yeah...andand i'm the first one the wish janelle happy birthday yeah? XD kaykay post next time bye~

Sunday, November 28, 2010

XG's 28 birthday! :))
yahhooo~~its today!
hehe happy happy BIRTHDAY!
all the best~~
hope your dreams all come true and 出新传集 soon!
ahaha you have lots of fans like me :D so must happy!
kaykay enjoy your birthday! :D

-thanks janelle for the reminder :D

Friday, November 26, 2010

good evening humans~~ long time no post lo, has been a lazy pig at home. aww grow fater le i think...sadded...MUST LOSE WEIGHT! -_-" okay many many things happen during this few days...maybe i should start with erm...

-anryl's 13 birthday!
-celebrate her birthday at tampines mall
-went to her house to have dinner after that!^^ yummy

-actually is suppose to go out wit anryl they all but ended up going to my cousin's house.
- meet my cousin and relatives at tampines mall cuz shine has piano class there. went to their house after that.
-staying over night

-at cousin's house still
-morning had sandwich granny make for breakfast. yummy!
-teach shine her homework+ summer also.
-then played ds. fun
-played computer and watch ISWAK. nice>>>cousin doing homework and watching at the same time.
-played wii game

-went out wit primary school frens
-watch harry potter
-home sweet home (my own house)

-lunch wit jenelle and seniors ( ate mix rice again>>>YUMMY )
-home and played com :D

-wake up at 12:30 -_-" >>>lazy pig
-played com almost the whole day :D
-watch tv at night

friday>>> today
-lunch wit jenelle and seniors again but ate chicken rice. YUMMY.
-home and played com. whole day watch YLBFB! :D
-watch YLBFB on tv.
-blogging now!

words for you my boy: will you be mine?

Friday, November 19, 2010

hello~ hehe lets cut it short here~ many many many things happen this week :D tiring week i should say. okayokay the camp was fun! ahaha played jacob's ladder, water bomb, amazing race and etc...hehe fun ttm! okay what i enjoy the most is the flour part! wahaha i taste the flour! yeeks disgusting. ahaha but fun! then then nite time got nitewalk, watch movie after that. aww i cried for the first movie...diaoz second movie was horror and no one watch it...ahaha kay camp was fun but tiring... okay and after camp on wednesday, ate mac wit senior etc. then went under vanessa.h the house voideck and chated for hours...oops take out my phone and see miss calls...oops i forgotten need go anryl house actully...oops sorry. then erm yesterday which was thrusday....went out wit seniors to bugis! ahaha shop till we drop! LOL not rly actully. erm i brought a dress for $12. i thought it was long but it ended up real short. its that pic on top actully! ahaha and tdy was the reharsal for open house...aww principle say our costume cannot cause too dunknow what le! ahh giving us lots of troubles man! that stupid person! cannot say who later tio caught....SHH... ahh then nvm after that met up wit frens to buy sec 2 books! :D spent like $60++ expensive much! ahh after that ate mac for lunch AGAIN! proof i getting fat! ahh no mood to post becoz of smth! damm shit can~~ hates!

Monday, November 15, 2010

hello~hello~ hehe after watching YLBFB, dun know why fall in love with shinee. omg they're so cute! kawaii^^ ahaha but XG is still cute luhs XD okay tmr got camp...sianz...dun know is happy or not. super tired now. headache. diaoz. k byes.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

good evening~~ today is sunday! muwahaha raining day! good day to sleep! ahaha LOL. kaykay maybe tmr going out with seniors :D hehe excited much :D okay nth much to say. my day today is indescribable. dun know is good or bad. its just awfully boring and spent my whole day watching shows. Zzzz.

Friday, November 12, 2010

hello~~today was a busy day! muwahaha enjoy much! hehe first first, i had cca early in the morning at 9. ahaha consider early to me XD then then we check the drums for the S.Y.F de. somemore must write name cause is spoil then is that peson fault XD ahaha then then, we practice for the open house de. ehh cher so fierce tdy can! aww then then chated wit seniors during break when i no need to dance. XD after dance, we had our lunch at mac. hehe lunch-ed wit jenelle, vanessa.h, yun li, caryn and jiamin! :D laugh lots! then then janelle call to ask me watch the movie thingy. aww then buy lunch for my bro, bath, change then rush there lo. ahaha we watch megamind! omgosh it was awesome man! funny funny laughs laughs. after movie when took neo-prints and play DDR. XD. bus-ed home after that. ehh that bus driver aunty was seriously very rude can! eeks i hate

Thursday, November 11, 2010

hello~~ this week veri busy. aww monday to friday everyday have cca except for today which is thrusday... sign although its tiring but still kinda love it cause frens are there :D hehe tmr cca gonna have the practise for the SYF de. aww its gonna be tough i guess. last few days was preparing for the open house. tuesday was the reharsal , principle wan us to change the dance the the traditional one...haiz gonna start from the start again.
sometimes i feel that being humman is rly tiring. everyday everyday you have to repeat the same thing over and over again. wake up in the morining....sleep at night. its what happens in between that make a difference each day.
well, today i did nth much. wake up at about 10+, brush teeth etc, tidy my bed, watch tv, eat lunch, com, tv and now blogging. every mon-fri, the most make me excited thing YLBFB! hehe^^ yeah okay ending post lo. bb

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Sunday, November 7, 2010

spent my weekend at cousin's play play. -_-" tired ttm. wasn't planning to go there de, was planning to have good sleep this weekend...ish, i slept at 1++ yesterday and friday nite. wake up at about 8. is blogging here cause waiting for my hair to dry...haven dry cannot sleep, but then my eyes are already half close... andand whats more there is cca tmr... super sianz. haiz will post tmr about what happen this weekend. rly play hard! ahh there is no one blogging and no one tagging... blog seems super outdated le... nvm i still love blogging. its the only place words could be say out to the whole world....erm although no one read -_-" ehh heck care le la...i go around tagging ppl's blog and only 1 or 2 tagg back...sianz pathetic har? okayokay lets tok bout happy things now! omgosh, aunty joan brought a hair dye thingy. ahaha gonna dye my hair to red! muwahha:D excited! andand i saw XG on the TV yesterday! ahaha super duper cute and shuai! its like super man! ahaha so many fans come support him...he should be happy bah! :D i should have gone there too. ahh he is juz awesome! i see him can smile le! ahaha he make my day! :D andand this buanch of frens have been very unlucky. wanted to go out, but everytime cancel bcos of certain reasons...ahhh we are juz super unlucky! :( kaykay hair drying soon. blog again tmr ^^ yeah gdnite bb.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

somehow memories flash back as i was packing my room...i found things which belongs to us once but is no longer worth now. how sweet it was in the past, i have nvr forgotten. i saw you twice after we break, nvr once said hi. you and i will always be the past, i told myself.


spent my whole day at home infront of the computer...ahh lazy me. didn't eat lunch but ended up eating tibits. oh i did smth meaningful tdy, early in the morning i wake up and sew my dancing shoes...ahh its like totally torn like wat...manage to sew back a little and its like still very...ahh its hard sewing leh....gave up and juz anyhow sew...hehe^^whole afternoon FB...damm lag...ahh somemore chat wit about 5 ppl...imagine how lag it was...hehe^^


i chated wit keith at first and suddenly junkai chat wit me then started to lag...after that janelle came in...:D then follow by ryan and then shi bin :D chats chats chats :D happy :D and also van.H on msn! :) tyty all...andand also ahem on pm :)

andand i started playing mousehunt and wildones.... recommanded by shibin and laymei :)

okay my day was like that, nth much about tdy....haiz ending post lo, bye:D

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

yeah holidays now...super sianz at home but still lurve holiday. ^^ yupyup, many happy things to share so yea...
Is like receiving your sms is super WOW. nvr thought you would sms me, ask you so many time to comfrim who are you cause its really super shocked to know its you. its been long since we met, last seen was teachers day.. yea haha consider long to me larh :D until now, i wasn't so sure if it is rly you...the tone you use is like you but than the topics are like erm...kinda weird haha :D you've been spaming my inbox this few days and so THANKS! :D
another person to thanks...hehe kinda like cyber fren...
Keith shyshy boy! ahaha lol have nice chats wit
yupyupyup and of course my dearest husband, janelle. had chats wit her on msn too!^^ hehe funfunfun:D -luaghs- kay is juz awesome to have chats wit ppl:D
andand also anryl came to my house yesterday...hehe funfun time wit her, ate lunch and watch tv :D yupyup loving it too! :D
not forgetting my laymei!^^ hehe although very less conversations, but still miss her lots^^ hehe kaykay should text her more than...^^

its like super tiring now, cause juz tidy my room...sianz...its only HALF done! -_-' aww i'm tired! ahaha,sadded kay i can't make it tmr to go swimming wit gal frens...sianz...all becoz of my brother! ahh andand he failed his maths, sadded...but he improved 20++ marks! hehe congratez :D but same thing daddy didn't praised him, juz say those kinda needa improved things...yeah, daddy expectation very high nowadays...nt only need all pass...somemore must improved everytime andand must like get 70++ cannot get 50++ de...-_-" eff!
although its not 11.11, but i am gonna make a wish...deep down in my heart i hope that....:D


" She’s a little girl,
living in her perfect world
Until she realised
, happiness was hard to find."

Janelle that dumb girl♥♥
Laymei that silly babe♥♥
♥♥Alien 黄鸿升 小鬼♥♥
Barbie and the 3 musketeer♥
Jenelle my dear♥
Vanessa and huishan♥
Baby Pooh bear♥
Great 2012♥
My boyfriend-baby♥
I will always treasure all of them♥FOREVER♥

Tagboard here.
cbox here.

the sites.
Janelle| Eugenia| | Laymei| Marcus Dayna | Anryl| Jenelle| 2e3'11 | Adelyn eileen| chili. | chili.| chili.| chili.

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imeem .
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His awesome voice;xiaogui♥
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