Monday, August 30, 2010

i am rly sorry if i make you feel angry or pissed by my actions. i didn't know i have over reacted. i promised i hold back and stop doing it. i didn't mean anything. seriously untill i read your blog then i realiesed maybe i rly should stop it...i know a lot of you hate me nt sure but seriously dun wanna think about it...i feel like i am losing all of you...drifting away...i feel lost. i wanna you to accompany me along this way and nt lead me to somewhere i dun know and you just dissapear...seriously i felt damm guilty about that incident...omg feeling so stressed up! dun think will do well for tmr performance and aces. i acted strong and nt emo infront of your tdy. i hope your saw tat. i did tat becos of your. haven your realised wat i have done is more than enough to all of you. i sincerly apologise to you about tdy and swear is gonna be the first and last time...i know your start to hate me already but then.....
i really wanna cry now! why do i always read the negative comments bout me on my BEST FRIEND"S BLOG? maybe i should do smth...i am getting tired of all these things that been bugging me...i lost you once i am nt gonna let this happen again unless you said in my face to let go of me first. i believe if your rly want me to get lost, your will do the same like how we wan others to get lost...i was happy posting juz now when i read all of your blog and decide to post this apologise letter. i seriously didn't mean to flirt wit him. i am juz having fun in my own world at tat time...but may i know why i am always the one who apologise after what your said?i feel rly tired and...sad that none of you side me at this time...i feel all alone now... have your ever thought of how i felt if you were in my place?

just had a meaningful R2ISE lesson tdy...recalled back many things. told myself is i have gave up at that time...what would i be like now?today recess not very happy becos of "ahem". kay is damm freaking extremely pissed! :/ same thing janelle cheer me up first!:P janelle is my happy pill!:D she is extremely caring de lor!:D she is the most caring fren! anryl is the most close fren? i supposed bah!:D hehe^^ yea or the most cute fren?^^ laymei is the most hyper fren, like always^^ but she have been emo this few days...when i'm emo she is hyper...when i'm hyper she is sad could this be?O_o tmr is cher's day....brought smth for ms teo only...nvr buy for other chers...oops!:P kay chinese dance reharsal damm ps! fell down! :( ps ttvm! kay it totally suck for the reharsal thingy... but lucky didn't went for asp cause mr sulaiman scolded the class and rushes everything as usual...peeps help me to do me dcc and update my content page!^^ ty guys!:D
kay i feel like a dumb kid who mix up jonathan frm 1n1 and 1n2!
pissed wit myself!!!argh embarass! kay as usual saw their class and blush...didn't saw him although...sadded...^^ gonna miss him much for tmr and wednesday...:( feel like crying...:Pkay i am getting more suspect of everything they do...sianzxc! hope everything gonna be alrite...:D
went tm wit janelle and eileen after reharsal and brought lee lao shi smth!:D :D :D hehe^^

Saturday, August 28, 2010

today rawks! :D went out wit janelle laymei and anryl! run in the stadium to train staminal...:P ate ice-cream after that! yummy!:D anryl parents drive us to tampines mall...wanted to go to the mac instead we went face shop and played wit those make up!
omg our nails was like damm colourful espically laymei and anryl nails...omg! haha i love mine! blue white pink! \m/ but i still prefer my purple!went mac to buy drinks afterwards and bus-ed home! wanted photo spam but they say that tdy run so very ugly and messy so didn't photo spam! haha:P next week gonna go out again! :D gonna wear dress! bleah:P and photo spam!:D kay looking forward to next week! it will totally \m/
i believe sch's life is getting good as days pass...but then so emo last week! so 1e3 cheer up kay!^^ hehe happy happy! :D smiles
k ending post lo bb^^
misses him much tdy! aww my heart was like beating very fast when i think of him...oh man i'm obsessed wit him. but then dun think he is my right choice...HOW?

Friday, August 27, 2010

hihi^^kay happy! happy news! but cannot say! omg i am damm shy de can! omg blushing now... smiling like mad woman! haha:D kay stop it joycelyn! lol:P heard somethings i would like to hear...:D confused now!:P hehe^^ chinese dance didn't slack lots tdy...:( but is good that we dance! haha:D yea monday can skip ASP!^^ hehe:D cheers for no stress!:D same boring lessons i had tdy but there are still laughters!:D omg i lose to janelle anryl and laymei in chinese science history! omg so sad sia...almost cry!:( omg ahem like laymei....:D gonna tell laymei tmr! but hope janelle won't sad la!^^ kay tdy short post but then once again! damm happy tdy! cuz "ahem"!!!:D

Thursday, August 26, 2010

omg i am getting more and more obsessed with you. i get so shy when i see you. everytime your class past by i keep a look out of you. you make me blush in front of my frens everytimes i say about you. i dun know whether this feelings to you are true. i cannot find any reasons to love you. you may nt be perfect but in my eyes you are awesome! i wanna tell you i love you.:D

just did 40 sit-ups!:D hugry now!:( but dun feel any weight lost! omg a few more days gonna perform alr...gonna work hard on my diet and stop eating rubbish. went mac tdy but didn't eat. omg i am so tempted to eat but have to control myself. eww so hard to go on diet....i wan food!kay hyper tdy during SFL! omg someone shy sia!:P SFL was fun! laugh lots and didn't do my work...after sch slack at sch first then go mac slack....hehe tok craps., and is rly super tired now! haiz friday tmr! need to go chinese dance....but good thing is can slack...bad thing is no NCC...omg gonna miss out the fun...haha kay gonna end post lo bb:D

"ahem" has been good this few days as she nvr cling on to us anymmore!:D

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

hi darlings!^^ yeah tdy was awesome. had fun and laughs!:D espeically during chinese dance! it was awesome. laugh lots with jenelle eileen.L and vanessa.h!:D talking bout"ahem" and bout some sicks jokes. lol?! laymei janelle and anryl went eugenia's house!-.- yeah i'm nt included cuz i got cca! i'm always nt inside the grp! pissed when read their blog where they said how much fun they had...:( k but it wasn't so bad after all! had fun during cca! slack! omg saw " ahem " in ncc! omg and i was like so shy! saw vice-principle at canteen and astetic rm! omg my hair was like so messy when i talk to him!!!:P omg embarass! i look like a chicken!:D ehh had aces reharsal tdy during P.E! omg my leg is freaking pain now!!! muscle ache! "ooch" ehh btw this few days i damm sad and angry de kay. always kanna ignore by ppl! talk, nonody listen. say bye ,nobody reply! am i invisible! PLS: treat me like your friend if i am! dun make me like a fool. i am nt a joker! i just want to have the old you back now! talk dun reply again. dun blame me for showing you the face kay! i have enough patient! i have enough of the jokes your make on me. i'm tired of being ignore by u. wats wrong. tell me dun ignore me! its nt easy to read someone's heart! ps i am nt a god! i cannot do wat you want, my mood is not under your control.
PS:i really feel so like a fool to you! you ignore me and i was like talking to the wall! could you stop. it hurts!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

hello^^ hehe happy happy noew! :)
kay today!^^
litreture did survey and postpone the test! yipee!^^
maths rush work again!-.- but finish chapter13 today!^^
chinese did nt bring textbook and bi ji!-.- hahas laugh lots with laymei at chinese. past letter to ahem frm ahem! lol?! he said no! :( cry baby cry! :'(
recess mr soh did nt come and fetch us and he still ask why only we one class only! ahaha:) we always last class de lor!:)
english had talks frm mr soh... -.- wanna sleep le la!
history laymei come sit with me! :) but then she say she prefer to sit with janelle...:( haha nvm...history did re-test! omg i totally dun know how to do!!! omg i am gonna fail AGAIN! ahaha:D
asembly-didn't have assembly so we had our R2ISE lessons with 3 chers! haha laugh lots with safwan... but it wasn't funny! ahaha:D cher teaching us was FUN! :D after sch had ASP...MATHS! lol we went up like 2:35...omg mr sulaiman ask us to stand at one side...ask us why come up so late! then we said we thought is 2:50...LOL and he laugh and said " ya la, just say can already wat!" lol it was damm funneh!:D but stress afterwards. during ASP the stupid aqil go draw my book like wat and somemore go take me paper! omg he so bad lor...haha so i laugh then tio caught by cher. -.- cher ask our grp to answer! and we didn't know...heng didn't get scolding!:D then everyone can go back except grp i stay...hear those annocement and went rushing down to my frens...walk to T-mart...brought snacks and anryl brought o-tah again! :) haha she rly love the o-tah there!:) bus-ed home and bath!:) done with maths!:D and is blogging now...:D but is damm worried bout the geography project!:( omg gonna rush later! hehe gonna have my dinner now!^^
k ending post lo!^^ bb

Saturday, August 21, 2010

i know i am wrong to show your attitude this few days. emo side of me? i am rly rly sorry. But then why your nvr ask me b4 why i'm sad/emo? i am waiting for this questions for so long and i haven heard from your yet? i am prepared to share with all of you my troubles but then since your seems to nt wan to hear. i am fine with it. but then keeping everything to myself rly is rly very tiring. i keep everything to myself and then go home cry out and let out everything. i read your blog yesterday. i knew it was about me. i cried. i told myself that it was all my faut for everything to happen. i'm very sorry for all the troubles. i knew those things won't help me to get your attention but i still did. i act nth happen is to continue this friendship. i become emo cause i couldn't control myself. if i did not act emo i would have burst out my tears at that point. i keep silence doesn't mean i dun feel anything... i am just trying to continue this friendship. i knew i was wrong, i know i was I AM SORRY!

Friday, August 20, 2010

hello^^ kay dead blog? hey come on more taggs kay^^
today was FINE! but it was extremely cold in the morning. cuz of the heavy rain. lol many ppl got Dame wet and took out their shoes! lol?! English was funny today! Mr soh is a great Cher! hahas maths was okay...nt too was okay too...did critical thinking again!!! my brian is gonna explode..chinese was ok also, just tat ms fardyana is gonna scold us for using phone in class on monday! proof! :( lecture on monday again! ehh 1e3's luck isn't on our side sia...this few days keep get into troubles with this and that. yet our class complain so much...haiz... :( recess i was totally nt hyper...felt emotional again! :( tried to stay hyper :D
- today history totally sucks to the core...the teacher had boring lessons with us and expect us to keep our mouth totally shut! wth! janelle told me her mouth taste blood...then i ask why...then she go scold me...say wat put then my paper! she thought i was covering my face cuz i wanna talk! wth i put up my paper cuz i was reading it! ehh history is a rushing subject for us cuz always change teacher! school always give us this kind of teacher who only know how to shout. every minute shout one time... i almost have heart attack sia...suddenly shout! :/ kay is dame pissed with tat teacher. but then think back she did teach us something in the end...haiz...i feel tat sch is super long! so many years of school learning about the same? haiz...
proof i getting more and more angry with my family members.... anyhow scold ppl then always say my attitude! WTH their attitude worser than mine sia. want change also change their first wat. using com then suddenly come my rm. every time also wan see wat i doin. WHERE THE HELL IS MY FREEDOM! :/ everyday give my attitude to see. wth of cuz i show back rite? like duh! this whole lot of nonsense is adding more stress to me sia! argh! and rite just now mum brought my curry noodles and brought my father chao shaw fan. then my father want eat curry noodle then go ask me wat i want to eat. i said curry noodle then he went out. then went in ask me what i want to eat again! so obvious he want to eat curry noodle. i dame pissed sia. in the end he eat the curry noodle which is mine! :/ tell me shouldn't i be angry! he should think of me first then himself! i am his daughter man! proof! hate this life.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

hello baby!~~ posting today with a happy mood but today is nt exactly a good/happy day...
kay you ignore me at first then leave me behind...wats wrong with you tdy? wat have i done. you cling on to other ppl so often now. wat happen to us. our friendship? i'm confused and rly wants to know if i done something wrong to make you treat me this way. maybe i should nvr take bus 28 again. the memories it brought to me isn't great...should i change to bus 29? proof nt! wat was i thinking! omg vexed please...our friendship dun seem strong. we all know we all try to hang in there and put in out best effort. i tried too...but why do i seem more tired? haiz you make me feel embarass when you rejected me...proof you hurt me so much did you know tat?
why do my heart always beats so fast when i walk past your class? why do i always look for you when i past by your class. why do i act so weirdly infront of your classmates? why did you keep me in suspension? why did you make me worried and make me have cold sweat whenever i see you? why do you keep appearing infront me yet act that you didn't see me? why do you nt say hi to me when i walk past you? why do you nt smile at me? why do you make me like a fool? why am i so in love with you?
ate at mac for lunch...ehh why everytime eat mac also dun have money de!!! ehh hate myself ttvm at times....felt so bad...haiz sry janelle for always borrowing money from today was nt bad. maths when walking up to maths lab....SAW MRS TAY... caught our class and make those gals with fringe and short skirts out...omg so lucky to nt get caught by her....sadded laymei was caught...ppl worser than her didn't get caught sia! so lucky rite...she called mr sulaiman outside then say him why nvr bring our class up and let us walk like tat...indeed he went back maths lab and scolded us...:( but then we had lessons tdy and was great! learn lots!:) ty mr sulaiman for teaching at last. :) chinese was okay. did some dairy laugh with laymei lots:) and sang songs.:) lol was ask to keep queit by peeps cuz we sang to erm no stress but not very happy...cuz of something...english is hell shit boring. SFL have nice chats with jocelyn mei!:) talk about ahem...:) lol and i was telling the two boys behind me some jokes i laugh 100 times alr? :D wanna know the joke then come find me...:D
kay tats all for today dairy writing...proof so long nvr write so long de post lo...:D lol miss this kind of post rite? hehe^^ kay ending post

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

will you help me heal this wound? it so deep...will you shed your tears for me?
-its for him
totally confused rite now... dun know i made the rite choice. anyway tdy totally sucks. my luck isn't with me many extra peeps here and there. you know i'm dame pissed with those peeps but some actually know their mistake and try nt to break us but then the other one acted so irritating. proof! i wonder wats wrong with them! or isit me? am i suspecting to much? but seriously i am not criticizing or writing bad bout anyone but then this person once make us mad. if she is gonna to it this time again and proof no more letter writings. straight to teacher man! she always complain...haiz...:( so vexed up with sch stuffs. wanna have a goodnite rest today. and brought new dancing shoes today! :D brand new! woots :D kay heard something nt so pleased just now so is gonna confirm tmr...haiz...who cares what i write here...only when i'm talking bout them then they will read my blog...proof more taggs pls :D hehe is kinda putting all my stress here. watever comments your have for this post just keep it to yourself kay! :P

Monday, August 16, 2010

kay now we have a teacher who is stalking us! prrooof! no freedom! :( is nt tat i wanna say bad things bout ppl but is that the are like forcing me to say bad things bout them. i can find 100 reasons to hate tat person now! but then if i'm gonna say out...the teachers feel tat we are bad! OMG and tat mei ting incident is like we all feel bad wat. she say untill like we very bad like tat. since we are growing up we will slowly learn frm our mistake rite? chers just dun understand everything! will they understand what we feel? the stress we have? the problems we are facing? and posting on the blog of anything is our prob wat. i dun understand why the hell is everyone controlling a teenagers life? anything then call parents! think parents very free? but acutully if they didn't know actully our parents know wats happening in sch more than the sch! lol?! haiz sch is boring this few days...but at least we learn new things nt like last time always slack or stress up too much and learn nth...
you know if you think tat snatching away my frens is very fun then u r totally wrong to mess with the wrong gal! i've changed lots cuase of all this troubles i'm getting! ppl seperate us. wth? can't we just have peace! wat freaking thinking they had to break ppl friendahip. i tried so many times to tolerate and hope you would change. you said you would but then i dun see it in anyway! your attititude make me get get pissed when i see you everytime. you've that proud face and always boost around! those thing we had tolerate so much alr wat more you want me tolerate? you are so close to my frens and then always give me that attitude! you treat me as if i was invisible! kay if you are nt going speak a single word to me and give me that attitude! proof ! our friendship is over! tolerate enough! is rly enough for a gal like me! dun try to stress me up also. i dun need your "extra" stress! ps: if you wanna be friendly then be it to EVERYONE! and nt choose the person you like or dun like! stop trying to act infront of my frens, yes correct i showed you faces cuz you did it to me first! i totally regret to introduce my friends to you! you spoil my day everytime. ignore me like always then go say my best friends name so loud as if they were YOUR best friends and i am like breaking your! you know no matter how many sorry or apologise you say i will nvr forgive you. it hurt deep in me. it can't be erase! you did tat to me then dun come crying to me or my friends or any teacher. you just have to blame yourself.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

i am really freaking tired and pissed! arh tdy isn't i good day! proof! hate tdy! wth! isit my prob or their. kay first chat wit si bin on he didn't seems to say good things. nvm...father call home ask bout something then i ask mummy to take out for me to see then stupid father go say wat my attitude wat! wth is he dk wat happen then shout here shout there then i talk back loudly de lor! freak him sia! somtimes i really do hate him! he always show his attitude then say my attitude wat. change his first b4 he say bout others! arh i just totally hate tdy except that i chat with janelle on FB on she cheer me up! hehe^^ anryl did chat with me on MSN and laymei is sms-ing me! lol all me best friends cheer me up!:) heartzxc them! stress up with maths HW! freaking hell don't understand the whole chapter! pissed! wat stupid hell cher is that! somemore next week got maths test! omg and we dun even know the chapter for the test! and rite saw someppl's blog toking bout wat love shit thing! omg envy to the max! oh ya yesterday went out...woots when to east point up anryl at MRT and went there together! ^^ meet up laymei eileen.k and midhat... do our HW for the freaking maths? then shop around east point! went acrade... lol slack. went to one shop! omg the clothes there damm nice but very expensive!^^ lol...after that decided to go TM but laymei can't go...then me eileen anryl went tm and T1 shop!^^ fun! then eileen had to go home first so me anryl continue to shop!^^ went to one korea shop! brought cute bottle drinks! sweet!^^ then we went century square...then we went home...hehe^^ funn! enjoyed 100%! thinking bout it 4 of us like very long nvr go out together as 4 of us only! omg your should know the 4!^^ lol k nt that pissed alr! ^^ hehe k gotta end post le bb!^^

Friday, August 13, 2010

hihi^^kay nth much to post! lol laugh at sch as usual. english did a trail presentation! woots my grp best worh! lol all thank to my grp memebers! they all so good nt like other groups some ppl like jasmine they all talk so soft!haha our group loudest sia! \m/ lol cher say our script very good! woots happy:) cuz the script is i write de! lol?! show off rite me? lol..k but then everybody do their part also so cheer for my group! hehe heartzcx them! oo tdy get to see yu le bai fen bai! haha:) xiao gui! cute! awesome! tmr going out wit anryl to meet laymei they all...hope jan can go sia!:) and eugenia! lol...-.- lol same tdy talk to ppl,ppl dun reply de. aww i felt so hurt man! like talking to the wall sia. then damm ps!-.- lol this class nt hyper enough. ehh i hate tdy's chinese. the LLP go our class dun know for wat. oo monday smth gonna happen. she is gonna go in our class again! wth!? but cannot say why...but just everybody becareful! :) hehe^^ lol tdy dinner time ate KFC! woots daddy treat's! haha:D but then felt like vomiting while eating cuz i was too hungry. OMG i felt gooosebum, i was like gonna vomit sia the feeling. kay smth make me feel so uhem..sad? lol ehh ppl nvr tagg my blog and like me status...eww! :( cry! lol kay la try harder next time!:DDD haha lol k.gotta end post lo bb^^smiles

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

arh! i vexed now! should i forgive or should i not? why i'm i torturing myself with this! it sucks! k and another bad news is that tmr have the dumb 2 period of maths and SFL is wat science workshop!!!! arh i hate it! art haven do yet! sian! and i think teachers day we are going to dance the qian shou guan yin again!-.- lol today damm funneh de can! forget all our steps and was just laughing throughout the dance but we soon remember parts of the dance then all! :D hehe so long nvr dance sure will forget some de wat!:) k D&T period sucks lots! emo-ing!-.- science had test...ehh hope i pass...:)k just printed out the english thingy! :D yup and we are finally done!:D just now sit bus home had some east springans sitting guess wat they say? haha they said that joel is so retarted! lol?! k back to the question...does she deserves my forgiveness. but think about wat she said bout on her blog...she rly did change lots. oh ya had PE today! OMG i suck at floorball de can! ps: i didn't score + let the other team scored one point! damm! lol those in my grp...very very very sorryyyy! feel so bad and retart!-.- eyes now is half rly tired now! hehe^^ k gotta end the post lo! bb^^

Sunday, August 8, 2010

i'm confused! my brian hurts! my heart aches! i can't decide what i matter what. friends? love? studies? Is she acting in front of my friends. she said that we were friends but then her attitude doesn't show. it only show how much she wanted me out of her life. or is it i think to much? she seems to snatch all my things. oh well nvm... i'm rly tired and hurt. maybe she didn't know that. she ask bout everybody except me! have she ever put me same position as the others. what's wrong with me that everybody is treating me this way? i'm tired being myself and also tired acting in front of everybody. make myself seems hyper and fun when i am being emo in the inside. i can't even breath properly. acting sucks it make me tired. how i wish i could stop acting and be myself. but now i realised that even being myself is also very tiring. giving myself now a good break. once back in school, the acting starts again. but then if only could one person stand out for me and tell me to stop then maybe i would stop acting...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

heyhey! long time no post le miss me?^^ kay i'm getting lesser and lesser taggs frm everybody! hey come on taggs pls!^^kay there is another person frm our class i am gonna ignore juz like those CCBBs!giving attitude to ppl and always think you are rite? dumb or wat sia! cannot stand then dun play la! you say stop then ppl must stop ar? then when ppl say stop then you still continue! dumb sia. everybody think you very gd cuz you know alot of things but then serious you suck at your attitude to others! you always care bout yourself more then others! give me that face everytime still say wat best friends! say bye to you then wat you do! juz turn away! hate me then say dun act! espeically in front of my friends! try to be vain rite you! juz becoz of him you change so much! is like another person who don't know! find back yourself b4 you talk to us again! and your attitude seriously suck! you think you change your look ppl will like you! we definetly prefer the old you man! dun make us regret!
kay having chats with peeps at facebook! fun! :)
kay just realised he take me of frm the friends list! kay watever! think i care! as if la! dumbass! :( kay damm angry de can! nvm will be posting again soon kay bb!^^ happy holiday!


" She’s a little girl,
living in her perfect world
Until she realised
, happiness was hard to find."

Janelle that dumb girl♥♥
Laymei that silly babe♥♥
♥♥Alien 黄鸿升 小鬼♥♥
Barbie and the 3 musketeer♥
Jenelle my dear♥
Vanessa and huishan♥
Baby Pooh bear♥
Great 2012♥
My boyfriend-baby♥
I will always treasure all of them♥FOREVER♥

Tagboard here.
cbox here.

the sites.
Janelle| Eugenia| | Laymei| Marcus Dayna | Anryl| Jenelle| 2e3'11 | Adelyn eileen| chili. | chili.| chili.| chili.

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imeem .
1 song Playing ♥
His awesome voice;xiaogui♥
Music Playlist at

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