Saturday, July 31, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

forget? maybe it is easy to say but then its not an easy task, we will think back bout the past sometimes and we will nvr seem to forget the things we wish to forget but when we dun wanna forget, we'll forget eventually. things are so complicated. tired mind,tired brain, tired heart, tired feelings, tired memories etc... forget...forget...forget!pissed it wouldn't help. acted emo in the morning in sch. cried. watever.___. yup haiz inside of me telling myself it is only the start. okay acted hyper during recess?:D yup :D back to myself. i know laymei they all feel sorry. but i'm okay i dun wan them to remember bout this. just be yourself. no harm to me. i am not angry or pissed bout this but sometimes when i keep thinking bout it i get easily upset. hahas lol seems so emo rite?:D smiles everyone! said before that no more emo post allowed here but so many ppl come there good fren tdy! woots \m/ hehe!:D lame!.___.

(L) kay ending post lo btw happy birthday xiao zhu, luo zhi xiang and benny goh!woots!:D

Thursday, July 29, 2010

hey hey!:D just came back from ikea outing! fun! took many picture!(L) but just when walking to the bus stop that time something happen that change my feeling. i became very angry! pissed! laymei go bluff me that she change house le then she say janelle and anryl know only i dun know then call me stupid! then janelle and anryl also play along with her, maybe she is just playing but it didn't happen once only. quite a few times they bluff me le. bout the facebook things and all. when they bluff me i just feel that i'm another eugenia to them. we are a group but they always choose to bluff me and make me feel embarass. i keep this in my heart all this while. the facebook thing and anryl house. they actully bluff me for like so long and they think i dun know. i'm waiting for them to tell me the truth bout everything. they think is fun but then i at the group who know nothing bout it and they are just talking among themselve. i not hating them here i'm just angry and sad. i don't wanna hide my emotions cause its seriously is very tired. i tried to act nth happen everytime , i have so much pain in my heart. but then i will never forget the funs we had. everytime i think of that it make me smile. and all the troubles will go. but then everytime there a sad thing i will remember all the sad things again. haiz. maybe my expectation too high le bah. i want frens to always be at my side and i want them to make me happy when i'm mad. give me space when i'm sad. keep me happy when i'm happy. thats all! i just want something like that...seriously i need to think about whats the prob just like last time. i said this almost a thousand time. i will never wanna end this friendship. so whatever unhappy things about frens should be forgotten and forgiven isn't it?:D hahas after posting feels so great.:D

kay end post lo:D bb!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

today was....okay!
english grouping i with janelle!! woots!anryl damm damm ke lian cause she is group together with 3 boys?! lol?! after school went to yumyum tree...oh ya before that something happen...amable anryl and me we ran after the bus...oops only amable got onto the bus only.hahas but amable damm good cause she wait for us at next stop...hehe:D she board the bus and she and anryl was like chatting. you know anryl seems to be more happy when she is with amable and xuan lin...haiz...don't know leh...sian...seems to like sci now a little bit...maths is fine too! hope can pass E-Y-E!:D you know i felt so sad or should i say just abit not happy only at chinese lesson cause anryl laymei janelle their name was mention during chinese cause they get 90+! wth only me! pissed! everytime i learn also no use! i just cannot rmb the words! pissed rite? argh!!! damm frustated becos of this. chinese used to be my best subject but i think my result isn't getting better! felt so stress! i just wanna sleep forever seriously i am damm tired! my eyes seems to be unable to open till full! argh! kay seriously no mood to post bout anything now so will be posting again if have time but sure i'm not gonna post tmr cause tmr got cca! hehe i think tmr is reharsal! hehe hope is full-dress! seriously very excited bout our custome for chinese dance and hope it will be nice!:DDD

Monday, July 26, 2010 so freaking annoying...everybody think i have no stressed, but is totally opposite...everything seem so annoying. freak kay lets talk bout what just happen! damm pissed with father and little brother!:/ little brother's teacher call home and ask for dad. dad recieve the call and the phone he was using was in my i was using the com while he was talking to little brother's cher. i could hear from the tone of my dad voice he was pissed. he said before he hang up the phone, he will give my brother a hard time to make him wake up....i knew my dad is gonna shout any time so i quickly get out of the room as he hang up the phone. indeed he shouted freaking loud, scolding my brother. all the bad words came out from his mouth. wth! why will parents ever say those bad words to their child? almost every sentence had "fuck"! like example: fuck you! fucking! all sorts all words! don't you think it is a terrible exmaple for parents to say infront of their children. but my brother was at wrong first. he never take his HW or exams seriously and doesn't want to learn. he got 20+ for maths for the four years in primary school! wth rite?! rly angry when he does not take his work seriously and always think that exams are nothing! proof! why would i ever had brother like him! my dad beat my brother up and it was kinda a bit hush! haiz as he beat my tears drop down. i was thinking that why did i ever end up is this kind of family! he not only scoldmy brother he scolded everyone! proof even me! he said i should be responsible and should follow up my brother and teach him! wth! i can't even handle my own things what more his? i tried before last time but given up cause i can't stand the freaking attitude of his! scolded my mom why she doesn't care bout what my brother do? scolded my elder brother that he should also buck up or else he will end up like my little brother. dad also ask me to keep my little brother game boy and PSP and only let him play when he deserves to play. i guess he will never get to play that psp already unless he really buck up.

kay lets talk bout school!:) smiles for school! school was fine...:) stay back to watch laymei play badminton! woots but laymei did not play!:( lol?! did play a few game teaming up with janelle against laymei!:D anryl went back early but she did play a few game teaming up with laymei against me and janelle! hehes:D me and janelle won them!:) tdy the stall aunty gave anryl a bag. lol she ask me if i want then i say i don't but then went back to the stall to ask for the bag. me janelle anryl laymei all had one. :) hahas we had so many same things! woots love it!:) went to mac after badminton...played with the it make us sneeze!:D walk to 201 with janelle laymei jenelle and eileen. on the way we were like acting mad!:D half way my skirt behind got something! eww you know what is that? is mango!! wth? so eileen lent me water to wash away the dirt then we carried on then me janelle and laymei put our hands behind each other shoulders and walk laymei and janelle felt pain but i did not felt and pain!lol. you know 1E3 changed lots...seriously...everyone is becoming very bad. shorts skirts, ankle socks, finge and attitude! even me! shorts skirts ankle socks attitude...everyone would notice the change in me...i become very emotional or should i say sensitive... when i'm happy i'm hyper! when i'm angry you will see the face change in me...sad of course emo! lol very tired after everyday! time don't flies but pass...seriously time change everything...even the more quiet gal/boy in the class become very hyper and becoming very bad . you can see from chinese lesons and other period like history and sometimes english... chinese and history is the worst... no one bothers to listen to the teacher and talk across the classroom anyhow and change sit. i'm one of the student who change lots. beginning to hate myself. i always wanna get attention so i always did silly things in class hopping classmates will notice me but then seriously i can see that teacher is observing me and i know i am in the bad books of some teachers already...i didn't rly wanted to make such trouble for teacher. but i could not control myself at all. damm just heard from my mum and i think my dad go out and drink! freak i hate ppl who drinks! shit them.... my dad say he is stress but then who is not stress in the world? huh? everybody is stress! freak when will he understand. don't complain! just treasure what you have, it will be enough. stop looking down at ppl and you will realised he or she is much better than you think. this long post so how much emotional and things happen tdy. tired rite? if everyday was like that i may not be around now. i hope things get better. and i seriously mean better! better then ever! please many things happen that i did not post up here. it will take me whole day to type if i have to say out everything in my mind! i am starting to hate ppl again. not 1 or 2 but is like quite alot...haiz...:(
k ending post lo...tdy no pic cause no sorry hehe i know your wanna see my beutiful face rite!hehe:D kay posting next time! tagg more pls btw!:D will definetly make my life better!:)
i hope everything is alrite. may god bless me! jun kai thanks for giving me this code. it help me!:)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

hello hello!^^ HIHI! woots kinda great day tdy! woots recess had the most fun! was acting hyperactive and fooling around wit janelle laymei and anryl. trying to scare ppl! hahas:D (L) english i change place get caught by cher! sianz! hahas ohya we have new chairperson....drumroll....*SAfWAN* lol! hahas congratez to him!:D vice chairperson is.......eileen.k!:DD lastly ME WAN MORE TAGGSSSSS!!!! pleaz? *begs* maths and science damm stressed! arhh thinking bout math....arhh my last question did wrongly! pissed! 4(M) gone! proof! damm! shit! arhhh....pissed wit myself de lor...everyone put 88% only me dk go put wat!...yeeks! think of it make me so angry de lor! science the whole revision 4 i totally stuck!!! sharks somore nvr bring my science books and files home!!:/ arh damm is so shity! i hate this brain which always forget this and that! arh...:/ haiz...i think i got slight fever now! haiz gonna rest well tonite...i kinda guess untill it is gonna rain tmr again! tmr stressed! cause got science and maths and history and english and whole lots of lessons! looking at words seriously make me so dizzy!OMG...didn't actully realised how i survive the 6 years of primary school life! proof kay gonna have dinner le! hehe^^ bb:D

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

hello peeps!:D long time no post lo! miss me? i bet no one miss my post cause no want actully tag!:( sad la...hahas. actully i knew myself, i'm not someone like laymei who always get attention and respect frm others. however hard i try... seriously i'm rly tired playing along with my own feeling. sometimes if i'm rly angry, i just show the face and walk off like that. this had happen like mostly at the PE periods this few weeks...cause eugenia join our grp...become like so odd.haiz.. dun know what to do leh...but sometimes if i can stand it i will still give them a smile and chat with them like normal. But this same qeustion came back to my mine again, who rly did care bout how would i feel. but sometimes i do feel bad bout myself cause i always think bout myself first and not others.haiz:((

yesterday had HBL! sian! osh! hate HBL but one good thing bout HBL is that no need wake up so early!yipee! i'm seriously damm freaking tired now after cca! :/ wonder why i'm still posting now cause i have lots to say!:) hahas. ohya you know yesterday so many weird ppl talk to me on facebook! yiyer!:/ scary sia!hahas hehe tdy chinese dance did so damm awesome!:D yup! ohya tdy is RHD!!! hehe so i wish everyone RACIAL HARMONY DAY!!!:) oops actully forgotten what i wanna post le...hahas its getting late now so gotta end post le...will post another day!:D

PS: the first paragraph i am not blaming on anryl or eugenia or just a confused question in my mine which i guess it will nvr be matter what i will keep this friendship goin...nvr gonna let it sink...the four of us must hang in there kay!:) no matter if your did write this anot...i'm posting here to give a promised to our friendship...and i trufully hope your feel the same and not the other way!:D hahas.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

hihi!:Yesterday was fun! woo hoo! me,anryl,laymei and janelle went to eugenia again! woo hoo but not to slack but do the pe project! aiya so troublesome sia,so anryl decided to do it at home...hahas:Yesterday anryl went home early so she did not get to eat the was delicous!yummy!hahas:D eugenia parents is damm friendly and good de can?:D hahas her mum even brought me home cause i walk home and the way home is Dame creepy de lor...hahas watch yu le bai fen bai on com wit janelle yesterday...(L) oops didn't do our project....hahas:Dit was just a marvellous days with them again...our precious memory is becoming more and more!hahas:D(L)eyer i very heavy sia! me so fat!boo! ish i should cut down on my weight and next 2 months 35kg like that!!!:D(L) kay la is early in the morning so nth much happen for this morning but i do know that i will be having a family gathering l8r...haiz but my mother not going...sadded cause she need to work!sian family is always like not cooperate de...and year the trip also not going!!! aiya must w8t for next year...but then goin to malaysia...dun know is a good thing or bad thing leh....:?kay la gonna end post lo:Dhehe bb!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

i think this gotta be my 200th post!!! yipee!^^ woots first thing first i wanna wish my bro ,roy, happy brithday!:D he brought laughter to me last year and it would definetly last...wanna thx him for the sweet memories he brought to me!^^

kay didn't post from tuesday till now cause damm busy with homeworks, cca, project,revisions and isn't fun this few day cause of some emo-ness... gotta say the same words again...i'm rly tired too tired to fight it my fault or their's?now anrly have eugenia and everything change, when i'm with them i could feel that there is some kind of distance between us... they don't need me now but i'm just like clinging on to them...whats wrong with me? i told myself...i reply back...i'm tired...i'm tired of finding new frens starting a new friendship over and over again...can't my friendship last? :/ but i just wanna let them know if they rly dislike me they can tell me or else i just gonna cling on to them and fight for my friendship...although i may be left out at times but i told myself i'm in sch i can't run away from all this...i gotta face it to carry on...maybe i would win or maybe i would fail...i will nvr know till i actully find the answer myself...i not gonna be the old me who runs away everytime...i gonna change because i have grown up!:D

nth much happen but same thing boring lesson wit tons of hw to be done and same chers who nags and teach boring lessons...

have pe and did our last napfa activity which is the pull up...:/ aww i only did 17! haiz...sad rite?:( but i alr did my very best which cause my hands to be red and sore after the pull up...:D had D&T also...poor me can't even draw a box properly!:/ struggle and struggle what more ask me to draw a clinder!!! pissed and hates D&T! had cca after sch...thought it would be sian...but it was kinda fun!! hehe i acted like a 1 years old at the break time during cca...had fun wit eileen, jenelle,vanessa,caroline etc...:DD bused home after cca!:)

was okay...nth much happen...haiz...

pissed cause the english teacher assulted ms ong and scolded me!:/ then sci me anryl and jocelyn was called to answer questions!!!wth! nvm...then cca...super tiring de can? dance dance dance and somemore at the foyer with so many ppl looking at us sia!:/ embarrassed!hahas:D

today!!woohoo wonder what interesting things gonna happen!^^ hehe eugenia they all gonna watch movie tdy but unfortunetely i am unable to go cause went out too often so dare not ask parents for permission...haiz...mission failed rite?:( my piggy bank money is gonna be gone sooner or later... everytime i go out also use my own money...haiz ppl like anryl parents so good lor give their children money... haiz...:(((

last thing i just hope that my frens won't hate me cause i need them...but if rly...then i will decide...i gonna try next week...if i fail i'm rly gonna give up then...:(

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

hello!:) hehe yesterday went to bugis wit anryl...woots!:D mrt-ed there:) oops crowed! no space to seat...:( hahas:D went bugis street...hahas brought nth!? hahas went to bugis junction then went mac...carrying on shoping although my stomach hurts very much...anryl made her utada badge and i brought a pair of earing...O_o went back tm wanted to take neo-print but there is just too much people over many ppl queing for the neo -print!:/ haiz and guess we have to leave...went to cotton on cc look look...haiz nth there...went to this fashion just c one clothes then go le...haha cause i saw anryl like want to go home le so we just walk towards the interchange and i bus-ed home!!! hahas:P reach home rest for awhile...then mop the floor,change bedsheet,clean the shelves,wash dishes and wash some my clothes...:) so guai rite me?hehe:D i also did wash the dishes after dinner!:D haiz tdy same thing stomach still does hurt...:( even now does hurt a bit...:( oach! pain! frustrated!:/ wats wrong wit this stomach...frm friday pain untill now?! wats the prob?:/ haiz tdy mr sulaiman nvr come!:DD haha but still need to do work!:( haiz some don't know so copied frm safwan...:D haha! the rest of the lessons were boring especially chinese! pissed!:/ i hate the cher man!!!! she didn't even pay attention to wat we was presenting and also she keep interupting when ppl is presenting and then ask ppl to skip some part of the presentation...she said it was boring so wat...her lessons are boring so should we ask her to skip also?! better mine your manners kay cher?! no manner sia you....!:/ the whole day i only your lesson i feel like hell can?haiz so siian....tmr got P.EEEEE! arh i hate P.E leh...:( aww somemore tmr gt D&T also sia...:'''( *cry* me no wan schoooool!!! no wan wooooork also! me no wan to leave le la!!!! arhhh so missery and tired and sian la...sch total boring!yucks!:/ me no happy now! hump think should end post le la....:) so damm freaking hate this life!!!haha but it does bring me some kind of joy!:DDD so dun worry be happy:DDD!!!
k bye bye:D

Sunday, July 4, 2010

hello! hehe:D nth much happen tv the whole day! woots cool! haha:DDD goin bugis wit anryl tmr...haven ask parents yet so not sure if can go anot...and also i dun want to spent away all my precious money...aww cause i think now the bus fee more expensive lo...haiz sian... if rly price raise de hua...then i think i'm goin to walk back home then take bus lo...wth if let say that the bus fee is like $1 rite then back and forth will cause $2 day $2, one week will be $10...omg $10 i can buy clothes lo...haiz so sian sia...singapore sucks... i hate singapore at times...but do love singapore sometimes... cause singapore is full of taxes and only those rich ppl can afford... my parents int rich... their pay together is below $5000... definetly somethings horrible...i love spending money so having nt so rich parents seems to affect me...but i had to face it and not spent so much money...but when i'm with frens i intend to spent money without how i wish they could win toto or 4D...then everything would be solve...haiz...a lot of things is unpredictable so you just have to w8t and w8t for miracle to happen!:DDD hahas but sometimes simple life seems better cause family bound would be much closer but when it gets to close i will feel uneased...sometimes i just wish there is some space between me and them...too close may not be the best...:) kay gonna end post lo...hahas blog so dead so sad so pls:TAGG PLS:)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

somtimes when i see ppl get jealous bcos of love i get tensed. sometimes when i see ppl get sad bcos of love i cry for them. sometimes ppl dun get love i tell them i shall give you mine.
hahas hello my dearest,
looking for the person who belongs to me rite now...
if you found that person pls report to me asap.
if i am the person you want to find pls tell me asap also kay^^

hello!^^ hehe!
aww so sad Chervia jie jie moving out lo...she found her job and house lo...hahas:Dshe so chio can?! hahas O_o seriously admire her lots! hahas but hahas nvm...gonna go back to my life!hahas:)
hahas last last nite me got one beautiful dream!!! O_o i love that dream!hahas that dream is bout me marrying a vary handsome guy! oops but he is not rich...:) hahas so sweet sia th dream! last nite tried to dream back but failed! :( lol?! aww so sad sia yesterday stomach very very very pain! aww went toliet two time then better...did not go cca yesterday...aww! hahas i knew that peeps there miss sure miss me wan! hahas jk la! :P yesterday ah yi called home then she told me she visit my blog! omg i hate relative or family member to read my blog cause its dame not suitable for them to read de...haiz...cause they will ask alot and it is damm embarass...hehe l8r maybe goin to accompany chervia jie jie go to her new home! hahas:D she is living at sembawang! O_o far rite? hahas:D sch are tiring man! haiz... oh ya my new sitting place is at last time ameer han the place and now i am sitting with still okay la...hahas:D lay mei and anryl so good can sit wit gals but then me and janelle doesn't have the chance le...hahas:D but janelle sit infornt of anryl,la mei sit beside anryl...then me sit kinda far...hahas:D O_o monday no sch leh!!!^^ youth day!!!! \m/ hahas:D haven been blogging for ages so blog post seems to be much shorter then last time...i used to have long posts and it much longer then this current post! hehe:D lol seriously dun know what to post lo so kay bb:D will be posting soon!:D :D :D :D


" She’s a little girl,
living in her perfect world
Until she realised
, happiness was hard to find."

Janelle that dumb girl♥♥
Laymei that silly babe♥♥
♥♥Alien 黄鸿升 小鬼♥♥
Barbie and the 3 musketeer♥
Jenelle my dear♥
Vanessa and huishan♥
Baby Pooh bear♥
Great 2012♥
My boyfriend-baby♥
I will always treasure all of them♥FOREVER♥

Tagboard here.
cbox here.

the sites.
Janelle| Eugenia| | Laymei| Marcus Dayna | Anryl| Jenelle| 2e3'11 | Adelyn eileen| chili. | chili.| chili.| chili.

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