Tuesday, March 30, 2010

post replies:

eliza:hee hee yeah i lurve you~~haha yeah xiao gui & xiao zhu rawks man!

laymei:hey baby thx for the taggs!

huda:kay i will try to make it bigger next time~~btw thx for the tagg

yun li:ello senior!thx for the tagg

vanvanhoo:hey bao bei!thx for the tagg! lurve you too muaxcs

yunli:hello:)thx for the tagg senior!

hui shan:thx for the tagg!lurve you~~

eliza:huh why so bad?:( hehe:)

yun li:hello:)lurve you lots senior!

lh:lol:X haha:D

janelle:thx sweetheart

yunxuan:thx senior!:D

qi pei:senior! thx for the tagg!:D

amable:hi jie! thx for the tagg~~


lay mei;hey baby thx:D and ya i have blue hairbands why?:D

everyone:thx for leaving a message/tagg b4 you leave!thx:D lurve you all lots and lots:Dtee hee!

haiz finally found where my mistakes lay... i cannot possibly have a best frens cause when i'm bored with the person when we have nth to say to each other thats when i will go find other frens, all my frens keep changing and i'm rly confusing! just now on the bus i thought of many things. maybe the problems rly lay on me and i dun know how to move on...haiz jenelle they all forgive her already...should I? oh man i'm rly confusing now...i hate this feeling man! argh it hurts! kay today was nt bad la... chinese dance was okay shared mant secretes wit jenelle & vanessa.h ... hehe the warm up hurts man~~aww"sad" haha!:) walk to 201 wit jenelle,eileen.l and caroline...whoo its rly a long way but it seems so short to me haha:D you c i can have so many things to say to them but have nth to say to you...i find it weird,rly weird~~haiz problem solve for them wat bout me? i'm seriously nt goin to be like her and go tell ms fardyiana bout everything...its convidencia man!! haha:Dlol so late le still haven bath...aww sad la so smelly hahhaaha:D i tink i mad le la so gonna end my post le
lurve the whole lot of you....
bao bei,
chio mei,

Friday, March 26, 2010

hehe today had fun man~~woo hoo! great day~~:D cca 1hr can go home le:D but did not go home!:D hehe stay back till like 4+ then me jenelle and eileen went mac to see if eliza there, but nope she not there :( haha then we go toilet:D walk with jenelle and eileen to 201 to take bus~~omg was like chatting so happily:D :D during science told evita and janelle bout the joke hui shan they all told me...haha i can say the joke hundred times and would not get bored...still can laugh~~:x HAHA lurve today~~woo muacks!^^ oh ya sms too many people le sms over 500+ need charge money~~woo get scolded lo!!!hehe^^ just say me only nvr rly scold haha :D all cause of zi wei lor...most of the messages is sent to him wan...haha cause he veh bored so i chat wit him...haha c i veh good rite?lolz :) so many people know bout my relationship alr...oh no i betray jenelle & xuan lin...haha heng jenelle nvr say want to divorce!haha:D lurve you jenelle~~ hehe rly had fun today~~woots lurve today man~~^^uploaded a few photos just now on FB...hehe i lurve it~~:D family outing first time...i tink...hehe:D feel that as if i am reborn~~felt died the other days...hehe today rly please me wor! but so sry ah caroline...i know you felt bored when me vanessa.h jenelle and eileen was talking bout our classmates...:( so super sry man~~lolz forgive me hor...hehe
kay goona end post...bb

Thursday, March 25, 2010

haiz school school scholl
stay back stay back stay back
lame-_-" lol
recess so boring!!! argh i hate recess man~~ it makes me feel so lonely cause its so quite during recess no ones talk!!! everytime also i start the topic de~~ sick and tired of being the one who is always contributing and making chats! please talk leh... my recess so bored wit you lor...today i seriously kinda hate you leh...leave me ou!!! i hate friends who leave people out! you knew that dun you? told you bout my primary school frens le yet you are repeating the same thing they did! what you trying to prof?i hate it man! although you are my best friend yet i dun feel that way...when i am wit you i feel like i'm not wit you...i seriously have nth to talk to you about... everytime we togather always so quite...then talk to others can say so many things...wats the prob?it is me or you...seriously is not only you...when i wit others i have many things to say but then wit you i just can't tink of smth to say! i hate that feeling man! trying to think of things to make you happy! i wondering should i continue this friendship after what happen today... maybe you did not meant to do it but it seriously hurt me man! feel so angry but yet put up a veh claim face... its so long since i try to put up a different face from wat i tink! last time is trying to put up a smile now i can't even smile...juz imagine how angry i am! maybe you read this post you not happy think that i am like saying bad bout you? but no watever i say in this blog is wat i tink i no need any comments frm you kay? i hope we remain frens as long as we can...i rly rly hope so but i guess its not goona be an easy task...i hardly can spell the word "BFF" now...sad :( but seriously am i the one who has prob? why can't i find a person who understand me? why? and when can i find the one? huh tell me la! i have been waiting for two years to find a true friend...is there rly miracle? :( goin to meet up my bao bie and jie jie now...ka goona end my post! bb :)
hope all of you can be :) and not like :(

Friday, March 19, 2010


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

clinging on to the choir members now? why ? why my frens? janelle , eugenia , laymei they are all my frens... dun you know that? write those stupid msg on FB to let us c isit? i seriously hate it ! how am i goin to cook with you 4 the rest of this year during home econ... thats the only thing i'm worried bout. i'm totally not worried bout you stealing my frens cause i know that they hate you too! you tink they like you? no one in the class like you... wake up pls. i know you are juz acting. tink you are the only one who knows how to act? i know also kay. remember that smile i gave you when i was like saying bye bye to my sweetheart? i was juz faking it! msg me evita denielle eileen.k that stupid msg... it doesn't help at all kay? i reply okay was also acting. pls not ur stupid acts! trying to break one n another up, tinking u can do it? dream on. no one falls into ur traps! we are all juz acting... telling us how many brothers and sisters you have frm ur primary school~~ we do not envy that at all! cause all of us have!!! stop tinking u matter alot to us!!! you are juz a smallest dot in the earth, or should i say... not even a dot!:/ c the msg in my chat box ? know how much people hate you? so shingz off ous life kay? not happy then change ur attitude... as long as you stop acting n you can show any one of us that you change then we can forgive you! that time you tell me that you tink xiao gui veh act, then now you say you like xiao gui.wat shit is that sia! acting in front of janelle~~ stop wasting ur effort man! she does not side you kay? maybe the only one who side you is eugenia bt i try my best to let her know how act are you... breaking she n her frens up ... we also know each n every step you take .... we can c you are always in the middle between two best frens... so pls i beg u, let our class be a peaceful class can? hate ccbb 1 n 2 4 ever man! ccbb 1, stop acting also! copy what other people do? copy b la u! tink you veh chio...eww -_- so stop making that stupid innocent look, veh qian bian sia... n also ur stupid idoitic sound. tink thats cute? thats ACT cute. bt even you act also nt cute at all kay? shit the two ccbb kay? now i seriously hate school! dame freaking boring de lor... every day is lesson after lesson.... work after work... recess time eat alr then nth to do alr... sadded. feel that i'm so freaking drifted apart with my frens.... oh no, next week i'm seriously goona be bankrupt alr...sad :( goin k box & neo with sec frens then go etp & bowling with primary sch frens... oh no seriously isn't goona left any money in my piggy bank after the holidays~~ awww:( bt can go out with frens so YEAH!!! :D woo hoo ~~ left with one word to say... hates~~ :D

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

woo have been enjoying myself this few days.... seem that our distance is drifting apart, rly scared to lose you but i bet i won't... our friendship will not break juz because of certain ppl~~ccbb 2... get out of our life or else pls change ur character. stop trying to break ppl friendship or couples or anybody. that would only make people hate you more kay? maybe you haven realised that i actually hate you veh much. if you happen to read this post pls stop breaking me and my frens out kay? kay nid eat alr~~ l8r then post again ... bb

Saturday, March 6, 2010

my darlings!

long time no post again...haiz so lazy sia me...lol -_-" maybe goin out on march holiday but then march holiday need go back school for cca...haiz, the steps veh easy but cannot go with the music need teacher say then we can do...lolz such a failure sia me! kay lets say bout today, today went to white sands to buy present for evita. lolz bought her a bear earing and thats what she wanted i tink... hehe evita is my mei mei...lolz i older than her but she look more mature than me lorh.-_-" hehe .then sat MRT back home. saw kelvin kor kor there.,chat with him, then went to buy ice-cream for my bro then miss the bus. then went home... then use com to do the home econ thing... argh the thing rly pissed me man! lolz :D then wash the shoes, go buy dinner for family then now using com! hehe :D rly excited bout me and anryl using the same bag on monday! woo hoo~~ her father fetching me to school the whole next week!!! woo hoo~~ gonna be twinneh with anryl!!! hehe~~ :D :D :D i lurve my sweetheart , she soooo chio~~lolz its random... haven done my homework goona chiong tmr...:D hehe~~ lurve pooh, hehe i got so many baby poohs~~ they rawks man!!! thx zi wei didi for helping me to friend back dayna they all!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

erm today was like normal? hehe its was okay la, saw yong kai en parents juz now when i buying food... omg so embrassing man... i was like walking past them but did not see them...lol then when i actully saw them i was like shocked? lol :D today also saw herman on the bus with his frens... i tink he go tampines sec same as alastair... lolz :D herman fren dame hilarous sia... :D his fren talking to him then he go act that he listening to music...lol :D dame funneh was like sitting behind him then keep laughing in silent...lolz :D yeah tmr engilsh teacher not coming! woo hoo! la~la~la~ argh i no dictionary!!! how? tmr chinese need sia... nvr bring need to minus 5 marks leh... :( sadded... my dictionary spoil le how??? :( kay nvm , oh and today chinese dance so funneh... was like we were having toliet break? then i went in the toliet ... and fren was like in the toliet... then i go knock on the door... in the end the person inside was my instructer!!! OMG... i was like shocked and the teacher was like actully open the door to see who knock the door... lol :D then the rest of the people was like laughing laughing laughing...lolz, it was fun! now do warm up not so pain alr...hehe:D so relax but i dame scard i do wrong step sia... l8r get scolded..:( got one part of the dance dame hard...(actully not that hard la):D dame pissed with someone yesterday... he dame what sia dun know the fact then go say me... erm is bout the incident of the "p" frens thingy la... argh i hate thinking bout it! lolz:D such a happy day yet posting bout this kind of sad sad thing lol:D hehe oh ya i also saw SAB.BOON yesterday! omg she so chio man!!! hee hee :) anryl also saw, ur go ask her la she dame chio de kay? she last last year is chio... last year is veh chio... this year become super chio sia!! woo hoo~~ chio bu...lol:D like i veh prevert rite? hehe lol:D oh ya i wanna say smth:
if you hate me so do i ,
think you porpular ? eat shit man!
stead le ah? hope you break!
wanna fight? get ur dirty hands of me!
say back me? copy cat!
tink i saying myself? you dumb ah?
tink you chio ? sai man~~eww:( yucks!
tink i'm saying you? how can you be sure?
dun blame me i never say ur name veh good alr kay? i also nvr say is you so dun comment crap on my tagboard about this message that i wrote 4 someone! :D hehe :D

Monday, March 1, 2010

hey juz came bac not long, actually wanted to celebrate zi wei's b'dae today but not sure celebrating anot... hehe today i want to say happy b'dae to two of my beloved.... l8r then say who... continue posting first...hehe :D today was okay la... in school spent most of the time with vanessa.g , feel bad cause never spent recess with anryl and huda :( but nvm... hehe today absembly, i tink i turn behind then get scolded. not rly sure if he was pointing at me... anyway hehe :D and i rly want to thx eileen.k for scolding my frens for me...hehe :D lolz , lame... woo hoo tmr goin tm!!! oh ya, today went school many people saw my ear-ring... they all say veh nice... hehe maybe one day go buy for them at whitesands! :D yesterday relative celebrate my b'dae! lolz i thought it was on sat then i go tell zi wei they all i not free on sat then too bad did not celebrate his b'dae with the rest of my brothers...lolz :D i hope he won't mind ;p okay now i goona wish....
zi wei and 1E3 a happy b'dae!!! woo hoo! :D
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to zi wei & 1e3
happy birthday to you!!! :D lurves :D


" She’s a little girl,
living in her perfect world
Until she realised
, happiness was hard to find."

Janelle that dumb girl♥♥
Laymei that silly babe♥♥
♥♥Alien 黄鸿升 小鬼♥♥
Barbie and the 3 musketeer♥
Jenelle my dear♥
Vanessa and huishan♥
Baby Pooh bear♥
Great 2012♥
My boyfriend-baby♥
I will always treasure all of them♥FOREVER♥

Tagboard here.
cbox here.

the sites.
Janelle| Eugenia| | Laymei| Marcus Dayna | Anryl| Jenelle| 2e3'11 | Adelyn eileen| chili. | chili.| chili.| chili.

January 2008 February 2008 April 2008 November 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 March 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 July 2012

imeem .
1 song Playing ♥
His awesome voice;xiaogui♥
Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Designer : Chili.
x o x o