Saturday, February 27, 2010

pls visit
and pls tagg there kay? that is a blog shared by me and anryl so pls tagg there often but also remember to tagg my blog too! tee hee thank you... you tagg mine i'll tagg urs!!! hehe :D

hey everyone posting again, this time i try to post smth cheerful? kay i rly want ti thx people who cheered me up at times, especially my secondary school frens. 1E3 rly rawks man! lurve my frens, this few days in school veh emo cause juz feel bored in school, say seriously the school is rly boring... i misses the old days in school when we played catching as a class... although it is rough but its still fun.hehe :) maybe i'm rly trying to fake a smile now... oh nvm get back to the topic... i rly hate the subject geography ... its totally boring and so difficult... guess i will fail this geography test... many school got common test alr but i still dun have, hehe :D oh ya and i rly suck at the subject home econ... i hate it when the oil splashes at me... oh it hurts!-_-" let me post smth bout yesterday, yesterday during history... i raise up me hand to answer question then the teacher never see my hand never call me... then i so tired of raising up my hands so i put my head on the table... then i tink the teacher tink i angry and dun wan listen to his class then go call me and anryl answer...hehe then we dun know^^ then the next question i know so i raise up my hand...anryl also raise up so he cal both of us...hehe he so good...lurve history! but then my history text book lost alr... sadded dun know where the hell it is... :( then after school got cca.. woo now doin the warm up not so pain alr. hehe :D learn some new dance steps!!! but so hard to remember, got so many steps... get scolded or should i say get said by the seniors and teacher a few times :D hehe. then when we learning the steps , janelle, eugenia, lay mei , evita , etc... was like looking at us...ohh0_0 we got so many fans!! hehe...:) k la gonna continue doin my hw le ... still haven finish yet cause dun know what to do 4 math leh...sadded. haiz... oh ya and i announced that hariz is now my brother... hehe ! :D and jerome yah, zi wei , roy and liang hao also my bros...tee hee :D trying hard to stay happy... :D :D :D

deleted the previous post, think of it i should not think so much bout that... as in i'm actually used to it alr, everytime with them i juz seem so invisible to them i feel like crying but will that help, the only think i can do is juz to tink of the bright side of things... thought about the happy times... although aren't many of it. if you ask me what is frens i can tell you but yet i can't feel it, life isn't so easy as i thought, but 4 some people, their life seem so awesome that they didn't notice the people around them.trying so hard to fake a smile but i can't hold long, my heart seem to have a rock in it, it became so heavy and thats not what i want to have. everyday hoping things can become better but it became worst...ask me to chill but i juz couldn't help thinking of it. i dun blame anyone or hate anyone, i know is my fault. i'm juz to tired that why i put all the blame to my frens. i'm rly veh tired, i hope i could end this but... i scared...-_-' whenever you see me acting like mad, thats when i rly is tired...

Friday, February 12, 2010

this whole week did not post cause very lazy and com dame lack de lor.... talk about today first to day school have cny celebration...kay can say quite interesting my fav part of the concert is the modern dance part...they dance so nice lor, hehe hope one day can dance as nice as them now my chinese modern dance is learning wonder girls "so hot" hehe can't believe i actully can dance that bah... lolz today did not get to see ms teo! argh came late sia! but nvm still get to meet some of my frens , but it is totally boring there de lor... should not have came just wasting my time de lor-_-" very so odd over their! hehe kay lets talk bout this week...

erm forget a lot of things le the only thing i remember is that Monday got math test... then erm, hot assembly dame hot sia during assembly... now i seriously hate wearing tie! assembly was boring then followed by SFL is totally boring de lor... SFL ms fardiana never come so ms luan take over her place... lolz was like laughing alot lor... she speak English like very fun de lor... then the joel keep on using Chinese then the malay pupils angry. lolz then erm ya math test was after school it was quite easy la... then when i was like doing my math then suddenly mr sulaiman look at me then i forgot how do le but when he go i can do le... haha so funny. i dun like people stare at me when i doin my work one.... hehe ^_^ k thats the end of monday i tink if i'm not wrong i can't remember properly ...oh ya mon got ting xie and i never learn but i still get 60 marks! hehe


Tuesday was fine? i not sure la...but i dun tink any thing important happen on tue... but i'm sure there is quite alot of things happen on wed kay i try recall...erm... dun know la forget le...


erm wednesday got 2 test one after school one lesson time kay talk bout lesson time wan...lesson time we had chinese test quite easy la... i manage to complete it, but quite alot of people never complete it, ai ya sadded la they all... after school test was home econ...shit the test lor dame hard sia somemore the teacher say wat easy... hard sia! think i fail le la!!!! then oh ya wed got math, shit i never bring notebook heng mr sulaiman never teach on that day he only ask us copy the chapter 1... but then i dun know where my bk1 go so i do on foldscape lor... in the end the whole class get scolding somemore got one boy from my class cry... cause he stress mah... i also dame stress de lor... haiz... the whole class we all never do the chapter 1 cause someone go write on the board that do chapter 3! argh then we all do chapter 3 never do chapter 1!!! ai ya over jiu over le la lets talk bout my cca now... cca dame sui lor we all... we walk around the whole school cannot find any place to dance lor... haiz... in the end we dance in the classroom lolz it kinda nice to dance in classroom cause not alot of people look at us...hehe! then we learn wondergirls the"so hot" woo it was fun went back at bout 4:30! hee so early only 2 hours practice only...
kay that the end of wed~~


woo~~ thursday was a dame tiring day sia... thursday got what record breaking... climb the staircase then went down the wrong staircase sia...haiz-_-" then went back rest awhile in the canteen then need go to the field le, sit/stand there like bout 45 min sia... argh hai wo now so dark le...argh hate the sun man!!! haha... then actully want too go back home sleep wan...then i saw my phone got erm miss call then call back pcn ask me go meet them at gsps opposite then need me walk until so far go meet them at the opposite gsps side gate there....argh dame tired sia somemore ask me go there 4 nth de lor... haiz! but not blaming them la is i ownself want to go wan...haha then lets continue with friday which is today...


erm as i said on the first paragraph lor.... :) :) bb :P

Sunday, February 7, 2010

haiz dame tired now and hungry juz finsh cleaning my rm... my rm is like a mess man! so many rubbish , clear so many alr but still left so many haven clear... i haven clear my cupboard sia and some more haven finsh my HW cause morning go visit gong gong... seriously no time man! argh dame hungry de lor... but my bro cooking maggie now haven my turn yet... argh! k la gonna end post le bb :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

oh ya forgotten to post bout thrusday... thrusday during SFL we went to health promotion board...okay it was kinda fun! hehe is the second time i went there...first time was with my student care and this time is my 2nd time... but the first time is haven renovate one the second time is renovated alr..tee hee! sit bus with anryl and behind us was huda... she sit alone so me and anryl chat with her...after we reach school, me, anryl and huda we went to mac to buy french fries...then i saw my chinese dance seniors... tee hee... they remember me , but i forgotten their name le... lolz then when me , anryl and huda is walking back to the bus stop... we missed two 28 bus lorh... we was like OMG!!! then we sit at the bus stop eating our fries and chatting then went back on com awhile then my bro use my com again! argh...then jenelle don't know sent me smth on msn... then is a virus man! i went to open it and then... detected that it is a virus...shit but nth happen i juz heal it can le... prouldly to annouced my sisters:
eugenia->sister/bao bei
janelle->sis/bao bei/sweetheart
anryl->sis/besties/twinneh/bao bei/lurve
lay mei->sis/CW/bao bei
vanessa->chio jie/luve
lurve them !!!
if i miss out any sisters pls tagg at the tagboard to tell me kay?

watever la stupid bros, hate ur to the max lorh, first thing i wake up tell me do this tell me do that give me that idiotic face...i give you back that! think you are the only one fierce in the house... fat hope, i never lose to that can? think i'm the little girl that use to cry after ur scolding! go hell then!!! no one wish you was born, you are juz born to let people hate you thats all! think i care, go to ur freaking hell la you! dame pissed off man! i on my music to the max , that the only way to let off all my anger man~~ forget bout this idiotic bro... carry on with blogging...yesterday did not post cause erm busy... and lazy...yesterday had cca, they teach us how dance "nobody" and "adacadabra"... eileen lim dances the best...get compliment alot of time, whereas me who didn't dance too well! :( nowadays my stupid bro kept using my com lorh...hate him man! he thinks that this is his com ah? go hell la! is mine kay? stupid! don't let u play give me that face! feel like...argh juz hate them man!!! can stop getting mad at them! they suck to the max man!!! argh argh argh!!! dame pissed off de lorh!!! go hell bah!!! never want to have this kind of people in my life...haiz still so angry after posting!!! DON'T POST ALR LA!!!!)#$%&*#$%

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

today was tiring like normal school day. today was the first day of CCA , sian la join Chinese/ modern dance! woo dame difficult lorh... ai ya kinda regret but when i see my senior dancing, i felt much better... their dance was like so perfect! :) the senior teach us how to do one sexy move... then everybody look at me when i i very PS... hehe ^_^ the warm up for the Chinese dance is so difficult man... was like so cannot do it lorh! :( somemore the chinese dance shoes cause $10 sia...i pair of shoes is $10!!! OMG, when i knew the price i was like shock? -_-' feel like meeting my primary school frens but juz couldn't find anytime... sian la=.= secondary life so difficult... i want to faint le la... feel like goin back to see ms teo but same thing is i couldn't find time... time is wat i need now. i need more time of freedom than secondary school time....almost half of the day is taken up in secondary school now... it has become my home now... today geography was kinda funny then chinese period i forgot to bring my dictionary cause i thought no chinese today. recess was also kinda fun la., followed by science b4 english , was kinda fun too. had laugh alot during science period before science was math!!! worst subject of my life... teacher 1st period so dame freaking fierce and irritating... tell us faster and then keep on talking at the same time... how we concentrate! English was also kinda boring... every got English so boring sia... woo! my stomach grumbling now goona end my post :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

today was normal, had fun a little... woo hoo! tmr phototaking...shit! :) dun rly like taking photo cause i look ugly in those photos! hehe... chatted with jenelle after school... until 3+ hehe... dun rly know wat to post juz feel tat i'm very tired and i wish i could go back to the time after PSLE the second last day of was fun, thought of it juz now... feel tat i'm rly stuck there...i dun know how get out and face the fact that i'm alr at secondary school having new frens is wat i'm rly vexed of. it was hard to get along in the first few days of school, but now it much better alr. but i still have a feeling that i dun belong there and i dun know why! haiz but today was seriously better than yesterday. i starting to dun like our class the math teacher alr... everytime ask us copy thing from E2. he so lazy sia , dun wan to teach separately... i tink i won't be able to cope with my maths le la... so tired man... this few days things aren't goin very well for many people. hope that everything is better. and remember that every thing is possible is weather you wan or not... haha i'm juz talking/posting crap. dun need to care bout the sentence b4 this...hehe k la gonna end post alr bb :) :(

Monday, February 1, 2010

rly very sad now... juz heard from my granny that my grandfather condition is getting worst...i bet this time it will cause quite alot of money... haiz i dun know how to help, but i rly wish i could help a little. i very vexed now! wat to do! juz now went to buy food 4 my brothers. while walking i thought of many things that made me want to cry... things aren't good 4 me this week...juz now during recess i very emo...cause i don't like one gal lorh...steal my fren away! shit her la!!! :( juz now read half way the witches, read half way don't dare to continue alr... ai ya i get into chinese mordern dance... sian la, dame confused now school not happy, at home also not happy! where can i get my happiness? sian la...sometimes i rly hate this world. how i wish things can get better soon... it is rly sad to see everyone pulling a long face including me... usually is my frens who sms me and cheer me up but now i tink i have to face the fact and overcome all my challenge... secondary is so different and i tink i rly change alot... i'm no longer the nice little gal who obey all rules alr... i sometimes rly hate myself , i wish i could help. another thing i'm worried is bout frens... today when i see some of my frens feeling very sad, i suddenly will also become sad one. friends to me is very important, without them i don't know where to find the joy in my life alr... today english lesson was boring... feel like sleeping the whole lesson. :( i'm rly sad today! feel so depressed and yet no one cares! :( cause my both parents are not at home , they went to visit my grandfather... sadded hope grandpa get well soon... i rly hope things would be better after chinese new year. its rly impossible 4 me to smile at this time :( k gonna end post le bb :( full of sadness man!


" She’s a little girl,
living in her perfect world
Until she realised
, happiness was hard to find."

Janelle that dumb girl♥♥
Laymei that silly babe♥♥
♥♥Alien 黄鸿升 小鬼♥♥
Barbie and the 3 musketeer♥
Jenelle my dear♥
Vanessa and huishan♥
Baby Pooh bear♥
Great 2012♥
My boyfriend-baby♥
I will always treasure all of them♥FOREVER♥

Tagboard here.
cbox here.

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Janelle| Eugenia| | Laymei| Marcus Dayna | Anryl| Jenelle| 2e3'11 | Adelyn eileen| chili. | chili.| chili.| chili.

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imeem .
1 song Playing ♥
His awesome voice;xiaogui♥
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Designer : Chili.
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