Sunday, January 31, 2010

dame tired sun so hot man! juz now went to hospital to visit my gong sadded man half of his feet is cut off in his right leg.when i went to see him he like cannot remember me like this...haiz:( l8r maybe goin eat KFC.shit i am goin to be dame fat alr... i kinda don't rly like my youngest couz...she very bad-tempered leh...juz like my brother so naughty. she can be actress when she grow up lo, her tears can drop down easily de lor.she blink her eyes her tears will drop dame feaking tired the lorh...feel like sleeping cause of the stupid weather wan is gonna be a short post so bb :)

haiz tmr got tired,dun feel like goin school. I NEED MORE SLEEPING TIME!!! PLS!

eugenia->hehe...anyway thx 4 tagging!:)
amable->kay will put ur name soon :) and thx 4 tagging
hui min->thx :)
eileen->thx chio bu :)
jaslyn->kay thx:)
benny->hehe lolz...but snsd is totally not suitable 4 me kay? ^_^
janelle->thx chio sis :) lurve you:)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

juz now went out with primary school frens to full lorh, hehe then we go to the 4th floor there play play play...k la quite fun today la. went back at bout 2pm. so fast rite then the rest go bugis i never follow cause need go home le. next week maybe goin to watch a horror show in someone's a show that i watch half way then never watch alr...sadded so i wan to watch finish the show...but don't know i dare anot seriously is veh funny lorh...^_^ k la not rly alot of things happen today so end of post lo...oh ya remember go watch my youtube show below this post dame nice de k! ^_^

Friday, January 29, 2010

oh ya forget tell ur one of my primary school fren stead with a secondary three person!!!envy him/her sia!!!-_-" i also wan^_^juz kidding!!!

today was bout the same...laugh alot as usual :D rly rly hate a person in my class man! feel like killing her lorh...argh!!! today went to meet my primary school fren again...haiz to day meet them quite borring not like yesterday more fun!!!hehe...tmr meeting them agian...yeah rite,keep meeting them rite.but tmr wan is diffrent one is benny,syahid,xhi ka and pornchanok only... tmr i tink is jaryl,jerome,zi wei and many boys lor...hehe^_^but good la, cause they quite hilarious...lolz! yeah,this weekend no HW!!!freedom!!but i tink my couz is coming to my house tmr leh...shit my house so messy sia!!!@_@shinne coming tonight leh!!!!!:) lurve them but i like super junior M more!!!they RAWK MAN!!! almost everybody know their song...sorry sorry sorry sorry then blah blah blah then shawty shawty shawty shawty then blah blah know should i accept someone...maybe i should maybe i should not... i'm so confused...

the senior always don't
smile at us when we smile at them wan...i don't rly
like them anyway...-_-"

Thursday, January 28, 2010

today was fun!!! SFL we had drama...then after school sat bus back with crowded man the bus!!! :( finally found a sit. then went to meet primary school fren opposite gsps.was fun! meet up wth liang hao and pornchanok.b4 liang hao and pornchanok came i saw jun jie there so talk to him lorh...then talk talk talk they all come le.then talk talk talk again then go home le...but it was fun. you know our literature book rite "the witches" liang hao and jun jie also same book so we was like talking bout that book... then suddenly i told them that i might be a witch...then they go pull my hair... idiot sia, but it was fun la! :D enjoy meeting up with my primary school frens, cause i lurve them too much le. hehe ^_^ they left me so much memories that i would never forget. Anyway back to secondary school life.It was fun this few days...had many frens there..happy:) i don't rly like some gals in my class...:( cause they like very very very wat lorh...sadded :( one of them is quite close to one of my fren...not bearable to break them up! :( haiz... tired tired tired...bored bored bored...oh ya! maybe tmr and sat gonna go out with my primary school frens!!! :p hehe!!! hope can ask more primary school frens out lorh...everytime only got a few people can come boring...but also fun la :D hehe k la haven done my math hw so gonna do it soon so bb :D

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

firstly i wanna say a happy b'dea to jenelle!!! happy b'dea chio dear,seriously jenelle very chio sia...hehe.k yeaterday did not post because i lazy so today must post more... yesterday was kinda fun.kept laughing during art lesson... lolz then after school, when to tm buy thing for jenelle... walk 4 like don't know how long, but in the end i did not buy anything cause don't know what to buy... came home late , father ask why. i reply i went to top up my ez-link card. AND THATS TRUE... juz that i did not say that i also went tm. :P today was okay la, juz that i did not do my english HW, so chiong during recess time. heng ah, i finsh in time. :) my english cher very chio sia. i love her hair. :D today was kinda boring but kept on laughing with anryl... cause the hariz lor. :D :D lol -_-' nth much happen today,so gonna end here. oh ya b4 i end , i wan say smth... i juz now watch hai pai tian xin and xia yi zhan xin fu. i watch both ,both i cry... so sad and touching man!!! :D lurve this two drama lots lots lots :) :) :) its juz simply tears rolling down my cheeks, not rly crying. :( lolz :) if you notice i put alot of smiling face...cause i'm :) hehe to day's wan is a short post so ya thats it. k gonna go watch my yu le bai fen bai...:) bb :D

Monday, January 25, 2010

nice drama !!! all should watch!!!obsessed with it!!!

lurve super junior m!!! my super idol man!!!
they look so cool sia!!!!
lurve them like you lurve me!!!

haiz another tiring day after school!:( cut my fringe yesterday.only huda saw it cause she was in the same bus as me.i only clip up my fringe when i reach school.seriously not rly used to having short look kinda ugly lorh!!! ^_^next time then show ur a pic of me after i cut my fringe...hehe it was fun today and also quite boring at some part of the day... same old thing is that there is math HW again...everyday got math HW sia...-_-' hehe my class got three veryx10 chio gal... they are:vanessa goh , jenelle ng and eileen lim :) hehe not saying that the others not chio juz that those three are more chio! :D vanessa and eileen is my chio jie and chio mei!!! lurve them! then jenelle is my(husband=wife lolz :D getting to like this school more cause of the frens i make there! they are so cool man! of course i will not forget my primary school frens...they are also very cool man! hehe my b'dea coming!!! gonna ask all my frens out o_O yippee!!!anyway come back to what happen today. after school go check with some E2 the notebook.lolz is totally the same man! then the mr sulaiman keep on ask us go check with ya don't know la...oh ya juz bought new sofa yesterday.9/2/10 then will deliver to our house... YIPPEE we got new sofa!!!i wan to buy one more set of chinese new year clothes leh...all pants and skirt no dress...:( so obsessed with super junior!!!lurve them so much!!!and shinee is coming to singapore...but i not sure when la.but i wan go leh...ring ding dong ring ding dong ring di ge di ge ding...^_^ sgining off with,
lots of LOVES,

Sunday, January 24, 2010

k gonna tell what happen on friday and sat...
it was a normal school day juz that we gonna celebrate bang xiang b'dea tat day.looking forward when suddenly he said he not coming.i bet the whole class is worried.but in the end he did come. so we waited 4 vanessa and lionel to go buy the cake. sang a b'dea song.supposed but didn't ate the cake, instead we using our finger to dig out the cream and make it on our senior face...lolz it was fun!all the senior came back with creamy face!!! LOLS...instead of joining in the fun, me and some frens were juz talking among our self...(bored) then went to the hall 4 cca attachment.... friday was the last cca attachment...woo hoo! last one was MRL
was at home in the moring till late the moring i was playing com and the whole afternoon was like doin all the tired man! don't know how to do some question...haiz...sec life so many hw lorh....the after that my mum call us if we want to go out eat dinner cause she want to buy things.we went to 800+ to eat! so full then went to buy things then went home le! so bb next time then post le :)

will be posting Friday and Saturday things tmr cause today veh busy!! so must read my blog tmr hor!!! and remember to tag!!! :D lurve 6.5/09 & 1e3/10 !!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

today was fine, when to tm with xuan lin juz now after school.haiz to day school end at 3:00! so late sia!!! today quite alot of things happen...jun yi fell down and injured his leg when doin long jump... and he got sent to hospital. poor thing sia!!:( hope he get well soon :) today got SFL... its about what key of sucess la...lolz its boring but funny!!!:D so many HW not done yet:( oh man!!! feel so tired now...>

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

hehe a few pics of me and my couz! to day is my couz b'dea! hehe did'nt manage to wish her a happy b'dea directly. so wish her a happy b'dea here! hope she can have a memorable b'dea to day!!! HAPPY B'DEA!!!

today is quite a good day! was fun with the senior and frens in the afternoon.juz came back not long...haven bath tired lorh, i walk home sia. cause i miss the bus.:( but is a good thing , cause i can long no exercise lo.become so fat now.argh hate being fat!!! lolz! and there is a good thing to annouced! wan know wats that... go my facebook account and check my info i have so many bro and sis... gonna add more soon :D math is really tiring man! almost everyday got stress(juz kidding) actually i like hw :D hehe tinking of topics to talk to my frens tmr...they always dun talk...haiz!:( meet some new frens again! XUAN LIN AND JOCELYN! hehe knew them during chinese class...its good to make more frens! so that it won't be so boring in class...misses 6.5 frens so much! lurve them man! they rock man! <3>

Sunday, January 17, 2010

hey everybody,lolz maybe later goin to cut hair...maybe cutting the fringe.haha ask lee ting go with me cause i tink she wan to cut her fringe also...lolz! tmr got school.haiz! If it was last time, school usually is smth fun for me.but now it juz seem so irritating!haiz tmr got assembly.the happy thing is can wear tie!:Dhehe!If you know me well,u know that i love wearing tie!It look so cool!!!lolz now nth much to say!haiz...boring boring boring!Now got 9 subject i still don't care don't care like that...haiz sure fail wan la!:(so bored now!!! k gonna end here...this is a short post,i know. :P

Saturday, January 16, 2010

hey 2 day was great! when out with primary school frens 2 day!!! Awesome!!! lurve it! It was next week goin out with them again...COOL! primary school frens we have more things to talk about.secondary school frens are so quite sec school frens are so quite that make me so mad... i lurve people who is more talkative and funny and interesting. last time there is a super talkative person bahing or beside me,vernon. now no more le. live become so boring le. haha. misses his lame jokes,but not him hor!!!lolz not sure whether to like 1E3 anot? i have so many question inside my mind about 1E3. the class is friendly but then... only some.i mean they only treat some people friendly.i like been so left out!-_-'' haiz nvm la... when time past maybe i will have more frens lorh...hehe more people is tagging!!!lurve them man! make my blog alive!!! pls more tagg pls!!!gonna end here! hope that monday my new week of sec life would be better than last week lorh. last week was boring.rly not used to it kay? haiz so tired

Thursday, January 14, 2010

lolz, met new frens! although not alot but still quite happy... those frens i make during first few days are no longer my best frens...cause erm...don't want to tell. It was like tiring this few days wanting to sleep all the time in class.lessons are boring at times.I only manage to meet some old frens who live near me. It was fun meeting old frens up. we have tons of sec 1 life to share. lols and 6.5 remember hor...If ur got someone ur like must bring show the class hor.hehe ! oh ya is anyone goin back on next monday? as the days past by, people seldom tagg or post and some don't even care bout their blog alr. so bored! argh! wish that i have a memorable memories of my secondary life. not like primary school, when i was trying to tink back those happy things, i always forget what exactly happen! lolz. have bad memory nowadays! HW is smth that always make me mad...
the math and science teacher always like to give Homework de lorh! :( sadded! when 4 CCA attachment yesterday! so dame boring...playing wth those senior isn't smth i enjoy much! i mean those CCA seniors not our class student class student leader rock man!they are so funny and etc... lurve them to the max(like real) lolz! It long since i posted such a long post...tmr have another CCA attachment thingy. this time round is journalism.still haven decide what CCA to choose yet. All this CCA atachment thingy is not the real selection of CCA. Still have some time to tink...anyone got any suggestion? I bet no one...seldom poeple visit my blog nowadays.becoming so...erm DEAD! lols. i actully don't mind cause i can write many secretes and no one knows it! hehe^_^hope that my life could be better everyday!:)lolz so lame rite?k goona end here!bb:D

Friday, January 8, 2010

hate stupid proud people...go better sch so wat.At least my aggregate better than you right? idiot sia..

Thursday, January 7, 2010

hey guys,yesterday did not post cause got HW.So fast got HW rite? The science teacher so different from the other teacher lorh.And the teacher also like don't care dont care like that.she ask us to disscuss with partner rite.Then she go shift my partner away.Then i do with who? dame freaking angry that time.yeasterday after shool when to meet pornchanok and xhi ka.their unform was like tuck out nice lorh.talking bout unform , today my class got one new girl.dame like gangter sia, she wear the skirt rite like so dame freaking short.and then the socks supposed to be worn lke quite high(to me la)then she go pull it so down until cannot see lorh.then she first day of school meet alot of frens le.u know why.BECAUSED MY CLASS ONLY LOOK AT APPREANCE! wat a shit class! I mean some gals.Boys is still okay la.met a new fren to day.she quite friendly compared to the OTHER girls.she have quite a few interest same as mine. example,i like korean boys/singer/band,i love watching taiwan drama.she also like! my first fren she don't rly like all this thing.AND ONE MORE SAME INTEREST!!!!! THE SEC 3 SEC 4 BOYS ARE VERY HANDSOME!!! she tink that too! but for sure i won't fall for them la! >.<
k gonna end this not long post 4 now! will not be posting tmr caused got camp! will post on sat after i come back from cca thingy!:) pls tagg can? :(

Monday, January 4, 2010

hey guys, how is ur first day of skool? wow dame happy i got new friend.^_^ she dame cute de lorh. like primary 1 like tat. Her name is eleen lim. had recess with caroline and eleen. wow my class dame interesting man! got so many poeple have the same name as each other. there is two people name joycelyn in the class including me,two people name vannesa, two people name eleen. and still got two more person same name.Wow next time when nid call their name must call their sur name also lo.saw Ming liang at recess time and in the bus. oh ya and my form teacher's name is miss fardyadi (smth like that) and my tutor teacher is miss... AI ya forget Le.lolz kinda bored in skool today . Especially the tour around the school.
looking forward to next day of school.^_^will blog somemore later on! ><

Sunday, January 3, 2010

tagboard is so dead... argh. but never mind , will continue posting and blogging and tagging people's blog. Tmr will be the first day of secondary school. Not sure if I'm excited. Could describe my feeling to it.when I'm packing my things 4 tmr. i realised i have no black pen, green pen and red pen. my pencil case was like so empty. 刚好 my mum need go buy pencil case 4 my bro so i ask her help me buy.Yesterday my dad told me that my bro is going to watch shinee's concert. so envy him. But is he use his own money wan.Maybe this year end I'm also goin to work. to get some extra pocket money. Yipee. Then i can buy whatever I like. My bro also bought contact lance yesterday. He can buy whatever he like lorh. So good.
gonna end post.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

my IDOLS ><

sry pornchanok and the other who went out on thrus
i cannot make it but did not tell ur
i went to eat breakast with my cousin on thrusday morning and i did not bring my phone
when i went back had preety much miss call
didn't call back cause phone no batt+no LG charger over there
anyway on wed went out to celebrate my uncle's birthday...
after dinner we went to karaoke till 1 a.m
thrusday went out shopping with couz
and did countdown at home
downstairs my couz house
got some malays dame noisy lorh
keep on shouting
then friday nth much happen
went to ion ochard
dame boring over there
then went home after tat
had quite lot of christmas presents this year but is all late christams presents haha
they all give me after christams
currently nth to do so change blogskin
one more day...
then school got school lo
first day no nid wake up so early cause first day reporting time is 8:30
normal school days is 7:20
bout the same as GSPS
gonna end post


" She’s a little girl,
living in her perfect world
Until she realised
, happiness was hard to find."

Janelle that dumb girl♥♥
Laymei that silly babe♥♥
♥♥Alien 黄鸿升 小鬼♥♥
Barbie and the 3 musketeer♥
Jenelle my dear♥
Vanessa and huishan♥
Baby Pooh bear♥
Great 2012♥
My boyfriend-baby♥
I will always treasure all of them♥FOREVER♥

Tagboard here.
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