Monday, November 30, 2009

hey juz came back from couz house and not feeling quite well in the morning
but was better in the late afternoon
cant make it to xhi ka house
cant play bowling again
kinda choosen my skool 2 day
1st-jun yuan
2nd-east spring
3rd-bedok south
hope can go same skool as my classmates lorh
actully b4 i got back my result i planed this...
2nd-ngee ann
3rd-st hildas
5th-paris crest
my mark too low le la...
if only i get 240
then can go all the skools i mention
maybe goin to my another couz house tmr
kinda busy this few days
wish can go out with my frens now...
k gonna end le

Monday, November 23, 2009

hey juz log out from facebook
log out becuase of a gal who i dont know anyhow scold people sia
she added me on facebok and i seriously dont know who the hack is she
she go and suddenly chat with me on facebook and this is wat she say
her:can u stop it
me :stop wat
her: u post smth on my wall right?
me: ya, why
her: ya can u stop tat
me: u tink i like tat is it ... and i dont even know who the hell are u ?
her:did u see my album?
me: nope
then i log out le
the thing i post on her wall is the donno wat turth thing ar
i only wanted to find out smth wat
not like i wanna ans things bout her lorh
then i went to check her profile
it wrote there
i am a girl who is kind and lot of guys crush on me and i hate it!
wat the hell sia
so proud of herself
tat alot of people like her
wat kind of people is she sia
hate her lots man
and when i saw her photo i wanna puke
she dame freaking ugly sio
still say wat alot guy crush on her
who would belive it sia
xuan min also better then her la
she not from GSPS one
she from yumin primary school
wat the hell sia
heng she not from GSPS
or else people will say wat school never teach
she dame wat sia
ur wanna know her name:
i know some of ur added her on facebook
ur should go see her profile
i seriously dont know who she is but if any of my fren know her and fren her
then i'm sry
to say bout ur fren
i know i very bad
argh i hate this kind of gal sia

Saturday, November 21, 2009

hey 6.5
this is the attendence 4 our class tis year

  1. ALASTAIR - a fuuny guy who pleas gals easily but can be very irritating sometimes
  2. CAROLINE - a quiet gal in class but truthfully she is very friendly
  3. JUN KAI- the "cutest" boy and "shortest"boy in class who is always bullied by gals and some boys
  4. PORNCHANOK- my wonderful fren tat had leave me wonderful memories thx
  5. JUN KANG- a guy who is always acting cool ( to me) but when he is serious he rly is serious
  6. RYAN-a guy who is always cutting in when people is speaking but last year seat beside him to me he is quite okay la
  7. JUN HAO - a boy who simply like lee ting and always seeing him get bullied by alastair they all
  8. KAI EN-a very cute gal who i know ... was one of my besties last time and is now my wonderful fren
  9. DAYNA - a fren who i rly appreciate...very cute and fun to be with
  10. XHI KA - one of the preetiest gal in our class and have a wondrful smile on her face and of course my wonderful fren
  11. ALISHA- my very good fren who help me alot when i'm in needs...cheer me up at times and have a wonderful talent in singing
  12. BENNY - a very funny guy and quite cool at times...can be nice sometimes but not all the time
  13. HIDAYATI- a wonderful classmate i have...she is very funny .... making my tummy hurt caused of laughing at her jokes
  14. JARYL- a guy who often make me laugh alot but sometimes his words hurt
  15. JEROME-a guy who is very sick but when he is kind he is rly a great fren
  16. LEE TING- a very cute gal in our class and one of our preetiest gal in our class...of course is one of my besties
  17. VIVIANA- one gal who i dun rly understand but still treat her like my wonderful fren
  18. ZI WEI- a guy who i dun feel odd goin out with him cause he is juz like my grandpa to me...he is a great fren
  19. LI QI- had fun hitting his head during chalet...and he is a great BF of someone
  20. CHUN HAN- he always try to be funny with his lame jokes...but he is also one of my great fren
  21. XUAN MIN-he is okay sometimes but sometimes he is weird...too bad he did not come to grad...i know he feel sad to have no frens but he have to learn to be not weird when he go to sec skool
  22. MATTHEW- a very skinny boy who like to play KOF haha
  23. ASHRAF- a great fren of vernon
  24. SYAHID-a funny guy tat like _____ haha
  25. ANDIKA- a boy who alot of people hate but i find him fine to me cause he is my "fren"
  26. FIFA- a good fren of mine who cheer me up at times rly gonna miss her jokes
  27. ROY- one of my wonderful fren..went out with him lots of times which make me feel tat he is one of my besties who often go out with me
  28. SAB.B- one of our preetiest gal in our class ... become more and more funny when she hang out with louise
  29. SAB.L- my wonderful fren who accompany me at times of need ... lurve her lots and lots as in fren
  30. SAVILLE-a fren of mine last time but broke up cause of some misunderstood
  31. SITI-a gal who had great smile
  32. HUI MIN- my best fren ever who accompany me all the way to pr 6 from pr 1 ... lurve u my fren muacx...IMY!
  33. VERNON- a guy who cheer me up sometime...i tink he is a gd fren but others tink he is irritating lolz
  34. JOYCELYN- th person tat will accompany all my life
  35. RUO LIN - felt sry to her as i abandon her but i still care bout her de kay...when she has no partner i felt so sad 4 her but i cant do anything cause i cant leave jaslyn with no me ruo lin is a wonderful fren
  36. MING LIANG-a guy who i prefered most in class cause he look very friendly and he is rly very friendly to me ( p.s i'm not the only one who prefer him the most in class ... some gals also prefer him de hor... dont tink wrong)
  37. TIFFANY- a gal who is kinda too treasure frenship as in herself and xhi ka...and she is a wonderful fren of mine
  38. JASLYN - MY BFF + 4 EVER AND EVER AND EVER...lurve her to the a fren la .... haha will miss u the most
  39. LIANG HAO- a cheeky fren of mine who make me laugh at times...and also a great fren of mine haha
  40. LOUISE- louise mama... the gal who make me laugh laugh and laugh... will miss ur cheeky jokes...hope u can get lots of medals 4 basketball...
  41. ms Irene teo - my dearest teacher ever ... will miss her the most (miss chio) 6.5 will always lurve u

will miss those cheeky boys in the photo ! and miss teo...:)
miss teo look marvellous tat wonderful teacher ! :)
hey see this pair of twins...they look great right? and this is the first time jun kung let me take a photo of him
gonna miss playing with him the head shot game...b4 i go yesterday had my last head shot at him ha ha! :)
they are the 4 bros who made me have some wonderful memories! thx :) ( zi wei , roy , chun han and liang hao)
hey this is a nice photo man! :)thx 4 letting me take photos of all of u! :)
this is the photo tat many people wanna not many people is looking at my cam...tink i upload two times of this pic haha...lazy to delete...when i look at this pics i wanna cry le...
the cheeky boys haha ...
two businessman! lolz
mr shorty and little boy boy! wow they look erm nice...
haha little boy boy so funny sia!
wan know why no gals photo cause they are either crying or the photos i took got me inside so i i dont wanna post!haha gonna miss everyone in 6.5 and ms teo and note pls
pls invite me to ur wedding in the future hor...i will invite ur too! cause wanna see how would ur be when u have ur another half with you...and can see u all wearing wedding growns and suit ... looking so smart and preety...haha juz like gard night ... everyone looks perfect...expecally my bff jaslyn... never seen her so pretty b4...not saying tat she is not pretty at other times...i'm saying tat she is extremly pretty on tat night...and lousie,sab.b ,xhi ka ,lee ting ,saville ,pornchanok , dayna ,vivi ,ally ...etc
THEY LOOK VERY PRETTY! I LURVE THEM!!!!!! as a fren! haha wanna wish all of 6.5 to get into their dream skool and have very gd result 4 PSLE...and remember to make good frens in sec skool and dont make BAD frens hor... lastly remember me as ur very best fren kay? ILY my frens...maybe will forget u when times past ... but all of u still have a place in my heart tat would remain till i die...
gonna see all of u on thurs 4 PSLE see u on
will always lurve u...MY FRENS

Friday, November 20, 2009

hey change blog skin le
not very nice i know
cause could not find any nicer wans
wanted to change cause the previous wan got prob so change
everyone remember to bring cam l8r hor
cause sab.b gonna wear dress worh
same 4 xhi ka...pornchanok...viviana...alisha......
and ms teo
so many people wear dress wor
this few days keep saying "wow"
dont know why
and said two times "f"word yesterday
it juz slip off my mouth like tat
i have never say the"f" b4 sia
kanna influence by lots of people le
gonna learn to speak propel english 4 now
k gonna go le bb

yeah 2 day is the day
not rly very happy cause is the last day of skool
rly miss the class
still dont know what to wear
4hr 30mins to grad
hope it will be fun
ms teo went out with me liang hao and roy yesterday
was watching 2012
dame super long
but was kinda nice
dont know why dayna they all say not very nice
its was dame interesting and funny
but was kinda cold there
gtg le
ending in 3...2...1
too bad not gonna end so fast
still got some
tink better dont write la
later people scold me

Monday, November 9, 2009

kinda miss the class when i thought of we oni have 9 more days to spend together
will be misses my besties the most
lets talk bout missing my class during graduation...

wat happen 2 day
2 day was kinda bored
came to school as per normal
went to hall to support lousie they all 4 the floorball
tat time we play floorball lousie they all oso never support lor but i not tat xiao qi so never mind lor
but it was begining to get bored sooner
then we went 4 our recess
then after recess still got floorball thing but we never go there support instead we went back to class then jerome they all watching (happy three frends)
so disgusting lor
disguting to the max( find this line familiar...jaslyn used to say... hate blah blah blah to the max core right... lolz
no offence hor jaslyn
then ...
evrythings so boring
dont wanna write those
then go eat lunch with jas
then go home play com lor
boring right ...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

yesterday was one of my best memorise
1st->went to white sands to meet roy and ruo lin
2nd->went to eat mac with them then take new print and they edit the new print like so ugly
3rd->went to the libary to sit
4th->play catching in the mall but was soon caught
5th->went to meet xhi ka they all at bout 2 pm
6th->went to sit at the food court
7th->went to a shop call (comic something la)
8th->decided to take shuttle bus but it was full
9th->walk there with the boys but half way ... we were lost then the boys took taxi without us
10th->started drizzling then we saw a few taxi but is all busy or hired
11th->finally found one taxi
12th -> we reach le
13th->went to the room to see
14th->so many gals share one rm...OMG...heng not staying overnight
15th-went to explore with dayna
16th->saw the acrate ... went in to play...but no oni play one game ... para para... lolz
17th->went in the game rm which was like so fun.. but was chase out soon
18th->went back to chalet...saw andika then he wan to borrow bike but no money... so i lent him
19th->saw chun han and zi wei... then went to beach together
20th->then zi wei said tat andika wont return the money wan so went to chase andika
21th->was chase by chun han who wanted to throw the seaweed at me
22th->then saw people playing at the pool
23th->wanted to play too
24th->but b4 i went in the water i was like alr very wet cause they keep on splashing water
25th->so dont care alr ...went in and play
26th->was like splashing water with jerome , jun kai , benny ,sab.l , roy . chun han, jaryl, syahid
27th->splash jun kai and jerome the most haha
28th->went back to the chalet
29th->dayna say got spare clothes but then in the end never lent cause she say she staying overnight
30th->dame cold so lent towel from syahid
31th->went to buy clothes from the shop so ex lor one shirt $6
32th->then the shorts is lent from lousie one ( i know is very big but no choice...heng tat one is elastic wan so can wear
33th->went to ride ming liang bike with sab.l behind me
34th->oh man! fell down and the light drop ... hurt my leg too...
35th ->wanted to pay back but ... ming liang say no nid
36th->then never mind le lor
37th->went in game rm again play until so fun
38th->came back to have dinner
39th ->did not rly eat much (oni ate i , fried rice , 2 mush millow , two hot dogs and 1 nugget ... ,maybe tats alot alr)
40th->went in the rm to play truth or dare
41th->jerome did not play properly then i went out
42th->then they stop playing le
43th->went to watch tv
44th->the boys wanted to watch soccer ... OMG is totally so funny when they watch it
45th->played truth or dare agian ( quite fun)
46th->went to game rm again ... fun lor keep attacking jun kai then liang hao and alastair keep on throwing at me then i dont care them then they go attack xhi ka lolz
47th->suddenly people complain so everybody went out
48th->continue playing truth or dare
49th->saw people playing the sparkles.. then syahid go buy...
50th->after playing they said they saw something on the tree
51th->then i was like... i cannot see anything then hui min ask me better not see..but i still go see but still cannot see anything
52th->went to watch tv
53th->alastair keep on went to watch to indian show to see wat baboon or somthing la
54th->preparing to go back
55th->me , xhi ka and tiffany sit in the our frens car back to white sand then my father wait 4 me at white sands then go home together
56th->so sleepy but still nid to bath
57th->hair very wet cannot sleep yet
58th->finally got to sleep
59th -> the next day woke up at 12pm
60th->posting wat happen on blog...
lolz rly enjoy myself... thx ms teo :)


" She’s a little girl,
living in her perfect world
Until she realised
, happiness was hard to find."

Janelle that dumb girl♥♥
Laymei that silly babe♥♥
♥♥Alien 黄鸿升 小鬼♥♥
Barbie and the 3 musketeer♥
Jenelle my dear♥
Vanessa and huishan♥
Baby Pooh bear♥
Great 2012♥
My boyfriend-baby♥
I will always treasure all of them♥FOREVER♥

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Janelle| Eugenia| | Laymei| Marcus Dayna | Anryl| Jenelle| 2e3'11 | Adelyn eileen| chili. | chili.| chili.| chili.

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