Saturday, October 31, 2009

i'm freaking angry sio
feel like scolding bad word
but better dont
juz came back from vivo
so far lor
then hai wo spend so much money
somore i using adult card
must top up $10
then i oni bring $18 out
shit la
hate it
tat money nid buy lunch for my two bros one leh...
but no choice
then top up the $10
no money to buy lunch 4 my bro
then he angry
go scold me
someore nid use my own money to buy their lunch
i bankrupt le la
piggy bank oni left bout $20 +
keep on goin out
take bus
take mrt
all nid money
somore is adult card
stupid me
go lost the ez link card
told my dad
he say wan go make
but until now still haven
hate it
no money how to go buy clothes?
still say wanna go watch movie
sian la
no money
so many things to buy
parents never give money when go out
always use my money
from $100 +
now left $20
alr veh good le lor
a least my mother got give me some money to go eat
my dad last time got give but now...
he dont give lor
juz now went vivo take pic
then go eat at the food court there
so ex...
then xhi ka , Tiffany . Dayna . pornchanok . jaslyn and lee ting(although lee ting not in our photograph group , but she help us take pic , thx :) )
they all went to ETP 4 free
haha i gave them the tickets wan
so good right
can 8 person go wan
but then oni got 6 people go
haiz... the tickets cannot sell
too bad
or else can earn money lor
then reach TM i wan go down the MRT alr
but then some of them dont let me go down
so NVM ... then i go with them to the pasir ris mrt
then they all go le and i seat mrt go back again tm
actually veh happy at first
then wan go out from the mrt realised card no money
then i ask the lady can top up $5 first but then she say is adult card
so MUST top up $10
hate it man
hate the adult card lor
hope the gals enjoy themselves
somore is Halloween
dame fun
i cannot go cause nid to go back early
everytime go out so early come back veh late
then kanna scolding
not rly scolding
but kinda like nag
rly i bankrupt le la
i'm not like Dayna and xhi ka lor
so rich...
parents oso don't wan give me money to buy clothes
i tell them i no more clothes to wear le but they still dont wan buy 4 me
wish my granny will bring me go out and buy clothes 4 me lor
but she say she this few weeks busy
wont be coming to my house and bring me and my bros out
haiz... poor me
POOR stands 4 TWO things
1)poor thing
2)broke le no more money le

Thursday, October 29, 2009

hey yo,
wats up
actully nth to post but jas ask me to post
haha so i post
k 2 day went to SDC
haiz last time went b4 le...
wanna go science centre
ya and 2 day at the army musuem dame shiok lor
the helicopter the wind dame strong dame cooling lor
but then when at the bomb part dame loud
tears almost fell down
but never
we oso got go do the exercise thing
quite fun...
juz now wan to take pic of andika then water bottle dropped
then spoil...
so go throw away
yesterday water bottle the cap there break , so water spill out, change water bottle 2 day spoil again
trying to post as long as possible
i'm not like jas have so many interesting thing to post
my life is actuly quite simple...
feel like joining the gongshang idol
juz joking
i wont dare to
tat time wan to join the talent show but in the end never
find one day me and jas go buy graduation party the clothes haha
goin to force her wear skirt/dress
maybe goin to ETP on sat but dont feel like goin
jas not goin leh...
maybe selling the tickets to go ETP one then can use the money go buy graduation party the clothes
but maybe they wont go lo
if is not free wan tiff and xhi ka sure dont wan go wan lor...
got new target le ....
goin end post le

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

dayna u like zhang hui mei right?haha i juz found a song tat my cousin sang at gei tai .... tat song is zhang hui mei wan (ho da li dui lai...) she sing nice right?

hey juz came back from mac
eat mac together with xhi ka , tiffany , lee ting . jaslyn .dayna and pornchanok
we all order meal upsize except pornchanok ...cause she say she wan to save money ...
we order meal upsize juz because we wan to get the mac monopoly thing...
if we get sentosa cove ... then can win $50 000 lor
alot right?
then can go buy bazzar thing lor...
haiz the presentation thing hor... we sure lose wan lor... we last minute prepare, of course cannot win wan lor
now say anything oso too late alr
so must work hard in the proposal and the decoration of the stall to win at least 1 price
so tired lor
and goin to bankrupt le
and eat mac juz now... scard l8r became more fat ... so juz now walk home from tm to my house ...
tought of alot of things along the way...
felt a bit sad when remembering the past...
l8r goin running
wan to lose weight
now currently about 35 kg
fat right
+my height is bout 150 like tat
a person whose haight is 150 and weigh 35kg
is so fat lor...
hate it
my aim is 30 kg
guess cannot make it
wish i had sentosa clove then can have $50 000 lor
argh bussiness proposal thing got lots of mistake so nid do again
anyway i did not help in the proposal lor bad hor me ... leave it to lee ting , jaslyn , pornchanok and dayna to do
juz now after mac the 4 person as i mention at the previous sentence when to dont know whose house to do the proposal ... they actully ask me go wan but i dont wan
too bad

Monday, October 26, 2009

hey i'm back
from lee ting house
hehe go do project
but in the end is oni left the CEO (jaslyn) and the CFO (pornchanok)
haha we kept playing the blanket then never help
veh bad right?
com dame lack 2 day
hate it
k post bout wat happen on sun tmr cause 2 day com dame lack haha


Saturday, October 24, 2009

currently at my cousin house now ... dame boring . i'm the oni gal in the house (not including the maid) my bro and my cousin oni know how to play rough and childish things tat make me so irritated...espically my cousin he keeps on coping wat i say tat was not the worst , when he copy wat i say he make a very gay sound which make me feel sick... wish tat i could be at home then i can go xhi ka house play with my frens...actullly is to do project not to play ... any one who can tolerate this kind of cousin i rly pei fu ni . yesterday went down to the park to play playground my irratating cousin went misssing ... but in the end found him outside the house ... wat a cousin house have two dogs ( pepper and coco) they are cute but dame smelly haha tat the oni thing i like at my cousin's house... will be goin to my grandmother house today and tmr will be goin to my relative house as one of my relative had give birth so must go vist the baby... i can 100% sure is goin to be bored + my parents nid to give hong bao ... haiz hate tis 1 week of holiday ,totally boring . two more days to skool world which kinda much better than boring lfe like now ... juz wanna apolagize to my group members as i did not help a thing in the presentation and the powerpoint slides ....wan know wat i doin now ... i'm watching a kiddy show on (cartoonet work) which i dont know how to spell... haiz bb c all of u on mon

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

happy birthday dayna! - Glitter Graphics

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Glitter Text @

change skin alr... know tat is not tat nice ,so will change again next time since have so much time...maybe changing it next week k nth 2 post bb c ur tmr...


" She’s a little girl,
living in her perfect world
Until she realised
, happiness was hard to find."

Janelle that dumb girl♥♥
Laymei that silly babe♥♥
♥♥Alien 黄鸿升 小鬼♥♥
Barbie and the 3 musketeer♥
Jenelle my dear♥
Vanessa and huishan♥
Baby Pooh bear♥
Great 2012♥
My boyfriend-baby♥
I will always treasure all of them♥FOREVER♥

Tagboard here.
cbox here.

the sites.
Janelle| Eugenia| | Laymei| Marcus Dayna | Anryl| Jenelle| 2e3'11 | Adelyn eileen| chili. | chili.| chili.| chili.

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imeem .
1 song Playing ♥
His awesome voice;xiaogui♥
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Designer : Chili.
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