Thursday, July 19, 2012

I need someone I could tell everything and anything to. Really. A friend. Fuck up everything that's happening now. Where are you, my friend... I need you.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

well got quite alot of things to say urhur. firstly, jan and laymei both went overseas... well yeap only me left in singapore. but it was not that bad, spend my holiday time nicely. (: bought a dog on sunday and brought it home on tuesday. Its a little 6month old poodle! well i think we've decide to call it jjay~ :P But i had to clean its poo and urine everyday like many times! hahaha. last 2 nights i could hardly had a good rest. he was barking the whole night.... the person who sold to us said it was normal for it to bark for the first few days as the dog isn't used to the place. i just really hope i can sleep well tonight without any barking! So tuesday was a double date. finally got to go out and relax abit. at home dying you know. yesterday, he brought lunch for me! so sweet of him urhur! and so i updated my phone! and proof~ everything is gone!! yes everything.... my precious texts messages that i didn't bare to delete away. But yeah since everything is new now... i should start anew too isn't it. Lost more den half of my contacts but hopefully i will get it back :') well, it's always the holiday that make me realize how unsociable am i! couldn't find friends to go out with me. lose contact with those old good friends... its really saddening to find yourself being lonely. maybe i should really reflect my attitude and etc... so yeap there's tons of homework waiting for me! shall go complete some later~ i forget what i wanted to post earlier on. too many things in my head. so yeap, jan coming back in 2 more days! LM didn't told me when excatly she coming back... hope she come back soon too! i dun have their numbers! all gone! LOL. kkay, its a boring holidayyyyy. school reopen more stress. so many topics to learn. gonna clear my brain and save some brain cells for school!! kayy, ciao~

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Okay fine, I shouldn't have posted it. I was just too angry so I vented it out. well you can take it seriously, but I dun mean all I said. Sorry Kay.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

So its been a long time since i last posted. okay, not that long. so today xg gonna go changi point for some event and i didn't go... well who could understand how i felt. dying to go yet do not have the courage to go alone. well but i'll still support him behind. Im not like his other fans... i dun really know about all his newest stuffs and etc... i feel so failed as his fans. When i see others discussing about him and all i can do is slowly catch up with his stuffs at the back. I feel really demoralize sometimes. But who can i confide in, cause no one cared. How i wish time could rewind, cause everything that is happening now is so fucked up. Life cannot be perfect, there will be obstacles... but why mine... just seems so far and difficult to solve. Why can't everything go well. how come all my plans fails. so what i gotten good results.... every other thing is messed up. FUCKING NO ONE UNDERSTANDS. i may look happy, i may seem happy.... but everything is bullshit. I HATE MY LIFE. I HATE MYSELF. yes, im being super negative. but when nothing goes right... all i can do is vent out here. no one to blame execpt for myself. that feeling of loneliness... #forever alone

Sunday, May 20, 2012

I'm really sorry for everything. Yeah, I have caused everything.... I have changed. Nobody needs me anymore, I know. My friends.... They are so much better without me. Him.... I gave him so much troubles. Family.... My attitude sucks. I can't find anything to satisfy me. Who cares about getting good results... My friends and everybody will leave me one day. What will I be. My phone was silence... Not really silence, but I was hoping that your name would appear. You have no idea how much I miss our conversation. We used to be so close yet now... Just like some normal friends out there. You never knew how upset I was knowing I wasn't that important. Yes, Im in the wrong. But I dunno how to start again... I'm really very vexed. I just felt that I'm nothing again. Back to how I always felt the previous years. It's was this year that pulled me out from that state but I fell back again now. Many times I tried to ignore, but I know even if I ignore... It wun make any difference to them. FUCK THE FEELING OF BEING LONELY. FUCK MY LIFE MUCHH. FUCK THIS SHIT. YEAH FUCK ME. I have failed to be me... Go on everybody. Nobody will stop and take a look what I'm going through now. Yes karma, I deserve this.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Yes, you were right. You didn't even thought about it. we have no future together. What was I thinking.... My heart sank when I saw that. All me and my wishful thinking... There's no forever. There's no always. What did you treat me as.... I've always wonder.


" She’s a little girl,
living in her perfect world
Until she realised
, happiness was hard to find."

Janelle that dumb girl♥♥
Laymei that silly babe♥♥
♥♥Alien 黄鸿升 小鬼♥♥
Barbie and the 3 musketeer♥
Jenelle my dear♥
Vanessa and huishan♥
Baby Pooh bear♥
Great 2012♥
My boyfriend-baby♥
I will always treasure all of them♥FOREVER♥

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Janelle| Eugenia| | Laymei| Marcus Dayna | Anryl| Jenelle| 2e3'11 | Adelyn eileen| chili. | chili.| chili.| chili.

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His awesome voice;xiaogui♥
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